gooing into ht ebar

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the taxi drvier droped of the three musketqueers (lano, irnoneman, and ady wahbal) 

they aprached the boocner 

"helo" siad laien

"helo" said the boocner

"we, uh i mean i, would liek tp go into bar pweratty pwese"

"ok, u are defiednfy one persun"

"yeh and defindey not threwe kdics stakced on toop of echa toeder ahahahahhahaha" laughed lianye nercosely

"ahahahhahah yeah that would mene u would al get arested and u woodn't do that rihgt ahahahaha" 

"no ahahhahhahhahha"




"ahahahhaha can i go insede now plede"

"yeas sonce u are an adute"

"ahahhahah yeah i defiendly am ahehehhehehe"

the boucner loooked at laien weirldy

"hmmmm ok sicne u said so"

laiendo walled into the bar

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