Chapter 2

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January 1980

It was a normal day for the members of the order of Phoenix. Everyone was gathered in the small cottage in the middle of the woods. This particular cottage was trusted to only selected few which included Dumbledore, Moody, Potters, Longbottoms, Bones, Prewett brothers, Benjy Fenwick, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. It was a new safehouse which was established a few days ago after the rumour of a spy in the order was acknowledged.

Remus Lupin, the keeper of Lunarville , was sitting on a chair listening to Dumbledore talking about finding a new method of communication for the order members. They have already gone through it several times after every attack on the members. However they were yet to find out a way to achieve such thing.
On the particular day, Remus Lupin was suffering through a rather nasty headache. It was still a week before full moon and yet he could feel the PMS , pre moon symptoms. He felt a pair of eyes on him and as he raised his head, he saw Sirius looking at him a worried expression on his face. Now one Sirius Black reserved his care and worry for certain people and in all twenty years of his life, he had cared for only five people which included himself, James, Peter, Lily and now the tiny bundle of joy that was due in seven months.
Remus gave a small shake of his head to tell him everything is okay. Though Sirius didn't believe him, he turned his attention back to the meeting. It was at this moment that a golden light blinded everyone and when it was gone, there lay in its place a body of a woman. Being closest, Remus ran to her. It could be a member , although the members who knew the location of Lunarville were already in the room, it didn't cross his mind.
He pulled the girl on her and look down at her. She looked like a broken ragged doll. Her brown hair was plastered on her face with dust and mud and her whole body was covered in blood and grime.

"Remus." Remus almost jumped back at the sound of her voice but held her in place. How did the girl knew him? He was sure he had never met her. She turned around to see the rest of the order behind him.

"Gideon , go call Poppy. Tell her it is emergency." Lily said , her Healer instincts kicking in.  "Remus , take her to a room."

Remus easily pulled her in his arms. The girl was light as feather. It seemed like she hadn't had time to eat properly in a long while. He placed the girl in one of the empty room in the cottage as Lily started on her. As the women shoved the men out, Sirius took her wand and bag in fear she could be an enemy.

It was an hour before Lily, Alice and Poppy left the room. Lily went straight to her husband as did Alice. Both women had tears in their eyes. Poppy looked miserable.

"What happened to the girl, Poppy?" Dumbledore asked as the men tried to sooth their pregnant wife. Remus wanted to get in and stay with the girl till she woke up but held himself in place.

"Poor girl ,Albus. I wish she were dead ." Poppy said through tight lips. Never before had Remus heard the matron of Hogwarts infirmary speak such. Not even after the worst full moon that he had suffered. What had happened to the girl to make her say so?

"Her nerves are damaged due to multiple cruciatus. More than anyone ever seen." There were several gasps around them. Poppy ignored and continued, "There are several cuts which made her lose lots of blood, five broken ribs, a broken wrist and ankle. And she is starved."

A silence followed in which Remus gulped down the bile that rose to his throat.

"James, the poor girl. No one should suffer like that." Lily sobbed in his chest.

Everyone left the room , Remus reluctantly as his heart told him to go in but stopped by the nurse. The previous topic for discussion was forgotten as the girl became the new one.

"Is she one of ours?" James asked.

"No. She is not an order member." Dumbledore said.

"Then how did she know the location of this cottage. No one knows." It was Sirius. " She could be a death eater."

"She is a muggleborn, Sirius." Lily said.

"How do you know that?" He demanded.

Lily's eyes teared up and she refused to answer. James looked reproaching at Sirius who in turn looked confused about what he had done to offend her .

"Even if she is a muggleborn..."

"We know she is a muggleborn. We have a reason to say it." Lily cut in between Moody's sentence. Tears now on her cheek.

Remus wondered how could Lily tell it so firmly. It had already been confirmed that the girl hadn't woken up and it will be long before she does.

"We trust you Lily dear." Dumbledore said. "Alastor, there are more people in this world than Death Eaters and Order Members who are fighting in this war. Whoever this girl is has suffered too much already and we should give her the benefit of doubt. She will stay with order member to ensure her security from outer world and our security from her. Will anyone volunteer to accommodate the woman?" Dumbledore asked.

"She can stay at our flat. We both will keep an eye on her." Fabian said.
Gideon and Fabian were top Aurors of the Ministry. Remus knew they were more than capable to look after her. But for some reason, he didn't want the girl to be away from his sight. He had seen her near her death and wanted to protect her.
"She can stay here." He said for the first time since the girl arrived. Everyone turned to look at him. Remus Lupin was a reserved man. He very rarely spoke something with such conviction and therefore no one wanted to argue with him when he did. "Lily is a healer and can look after her. And James, Sirius and I will be here."

"Very well then. It seems that for the time being she will stay here at Lunarville. Although, take custody of her wand. One can never be too careful." Dumbledore said.

"Constant Vigilance." Moddy agreed.

Thus the girl found her place as a guest in the Lunarville.

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