1. Start of my life.

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I was born into the wolf clan in America, and was raised according to their ways. My mother was the head of our house, and my uncles disciplined me. My mother had decided to name me after the punk rock band "The Ramones", as she liked their music. I thought it was horrible, one can never choose their names though. I had many brothers and sisters but only one followed me when I left, Tracey, don't know her reasoning, however I was thankful for her company. I relied on her heavily for most of my life. She would often call me a fool for wanting someone I could not have, but at the same time I think that she understood me. After all, she was there the day I met my Luna.

A pack of our young people would often hang out in the nearest town, generally causing trouble for the locals. We were an unruly group who didn't listen to anyone, not even our elders, and were often in trouble with the authorities. It was lucky that in this time, our wolves were not with us as we had not undergone the transformation yet. If it had happened, all of us would have been executed. I was the centre of all the problems, being the group leader.

I was egged on by a girl, called Jessie, who I had been sleeping with ever since we met. It was not a match approved of by anyone, not even ourselves, it really was just for the convenience of pleasure. Jessie and I just wanted to know what sex was about, and once experiencing it we stayed together, despite her not being able to hold all of me. This was until I met the preacher, David.

I roughhoused him. I even told him to give me his fancy shoes as mine were worn out and I needed new ones.

To my shock he took them off and gave them to me "I hope that these bless you Ramone " he said "Jesus loves you, you know?"

I was so angry with him that I beat him up. "Don't talk to me about Jesus man, no-one could love me."

"You are wrong, you can beat me senseless, but it won't change the fact Jesus loves you " David wheezed out before blacking out from my beating. I ran away from my crime.

I didn't see the preacher dude, David, for a few weeks. Winter set in and I was feeling particularly cold and grumpy. That was when I saw David again. He was walking along the footpath happily, with a warm jacket on.

Looking at him made me furious. How could this man be so happy and carefree after me beating him within an inch of his life and stealing his shoes. I looked at his shoes on my feet and found myself swaggering over to him.

"Hey, preacher, why are you so happy and unafraid?"

"Because Jesus loves me.... as he also loves you" he says.

I laugh again "If he loves me so much, he would give me a warm jacket like yours!"

I was flabbergasted. David took off his jacket and gave it to me... his warm jacket!

I look at him "Why?"

David said "Because Jesus loves you and I love you too Ramone. " He wasn't talking about a sexual love or a family love but something else entirely. I didn't get him or this Jesus dude at all. So, I reacted badly.

"I could slice you up here..." I threatened him.

"If you must" he said "but each of those pieces would be saying 'I love you Ramone and so does Jesus'."

"Shut up man!" I yelled, sick to death of his mantra. So I knocked him out with one blow and walked off with the jacket he had just given me.

A few more weeks passed by and I had been jumping at every police car that went by. I figured that surely, he would have reported me for stealing the items off him and hurting him both times. But he hadn't. I could not stop thinking about him, his actions and his words.

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