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Me and Johnny walked inside the house as he kept comforting me before confronting Taeyong.

"I'm scared of him." I said.

"You'll be fine." He assured.

"You're not gonna be fine." A distinct voice spoke up from the living room.

We look towards the voice and found Taeyong standing there with a stoic expression.

I instinctively grab on Johnny's arm, shielding myself from the glare Taeyong is sending me.

"What you did today is a-"

"Mistake!" I interjected without thinking.

His eyes trail to mine making me clamp my mouth shut and mentally scold myself for being so stupid to say that.

"Fuck mistake. You were trying to escape and don't you even dare deny it." He said, shoving his hands in his pockets while he scrutinised me with his gaze.

"I.." I trailed. No words came to my mind because what he said was the truth.

"Cat got your tongue, kitty?" He said, smirking evilly at me.

"Let's settle this professionally, please." Johnny suggested.

"We are and we will." Taeyong eyed Johnny, "Winwin, come here."

What? I mentally freaked out at the mention of his name. I didn't even notice his presence.

Winwin came to Taeyong's side and tilt his head at the sight of me, eyes staring at me innocently but in reality he's not. Looks really can be deceiving, I thought.

"Take her to the basement." Taeyong said making all heads turn towards him as some protested.

"You're not going to-" Yuta started but was cut off.

"I said what I said." Taeyong remain unfazed before tearing his eyes away from me and then face Winwin, "You know what to do." He pats his shoulder.

"Yup." He said with a pop at the end of the word.

Taeyong nod, "Go back to sleep everyone." He said.

"Just like that?" Yuta raised his voice, "You can't leave her with him." He emphasised.

Winwin turns around, "Don't worry. I'll take good care of her." He smiled.

Yuta shakes his head, "No, let me-"

"Stop, Yuta. I don't want this to end like before again." Taeyong said.

Yuta's face morphed into a crestfallen one as he halts. Taeyong's eyes soften a bit at him and puts both his hand on his shoulder.

"Please, listen to me." He paused as he take his time to think carefully on what to say next, "You shouldn't get in between people anymore. I know you're a soft hearted person and that's a good thing," Yuta closes his eyes as he remain silent, "but you can't show that to people everytime, right now or, forever. Remember I'm doing this to protect you, and the same goes to everyone else. I can't put you all in danger anymore."

"But we're a mafia gang, we're always in for danger." Yuta finally spoke up.

"Yes. That's why I'm trying to get rid of any burden that tries to stop us from getting out of it." Taeyong said.

"She's not a burden." Yuta retorted, looking up at Taeyong.

"I don't know which person you're implying to, but I certainly hope you don't mean either of them." Taeyong remarked before walking pass him and went back to his own room.

The living room was dead silent at Taeyong's last statement before Haechan spoke up.

"Sorry, Juns. Can't help you if boss's involve." He shrugged and wave, indicating he's leaving when he's halfway to the stairs.

I frown, "You're so fake."

"Alas, it's not just me." Haechan turns around, "Everyone here is." He gestured, "Don't trust any of us, or you won't know what's coming for you. Huu.." He made a ghost sound and grin playfully before heading upstairs.

Someone sigh, "Winwin, go."

Jaehyun emerge from the group of guys and stop beside Yuta, "Goodnight, Yuta." He whispered and retreats for his interrupted sleep.

"Finally." Taeil huffed and walked pass me, "Good luck surviving down there, lil' girl." He said.

"What?" My eyes widen and then turn towards Johnny for answers. Johnny look down at me in sympathy.

"It's not the worse with him but," he paused and side glance at Winwin, "make sure he doesn't use those ropes and guns and you'll be fine." He smiled.

"How is that suppose to be comforting?" I panicked.

"I'll pray for you then." He said before rushing back upstairs to continue sleeping.

"Wha- no! Johnny!" I called out but he ignores me.

"Shall we, princess?" A voice came from behind that send shivers down my spine.

"U-Um.." I stammered.

He chuckle and grab my hand, caressing it softly with his thumb that it made my heart beat, "I'll lead you to your room for the night." He smiled but it doesn't match his eyes as I look at him.

He pulls me to follow him but I resist.

"No." I stand my ground.

He slowly turns, "Don't make me go mad." He pouts.

I shake my head, "Please, I don't want to go there." I protested.

His pout falls and suddenly he holds a cold gaze, "I'm in a good mood today. Don't make me want to kill you."

I clench my jaw, "I-"

"I'm warning you." He said, "I tend to go," he paused, thinking of something, "wild, if people are so resistant." He looks down at me.

I shake my head for the second time and look back at the person behind us who was still standing there this whole time.

I pleaded for help with my eyes. He stare at me for a while, before turning back and retreating to his own room, completely disregarding me. Just like that.

You promised, I said mentally while fighting the urge to cry.

A palm cupped my face which brings my attention to him, "Sweet sweet pain, Hua." He looks at me endearingly with a tint of emptiness, "What's it feel like to get stabbed mentally?" He asked.

I sniffle a cry and didn't answer him. He turned on me, I thought.

"Come on." He said sternly and pulls me harshly with him, this time I didn't resist anymore.

Yuta, why? I asked mentally for the last time before we disappear to the pitch black basement.

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