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*Cry's P.O.V.*

The Discussion just started and no one was talking, well you see we're fucking confused, how is no one dying?.

I mean two nights in a row and the Mayor isn't dead, neither any mafia, neither any neutral or any townies. I know I sound kind of angry but I'm glad no townie died but it's just confusing.

-Does anyone have any leads at all? -asked the Mayor.

And so the discussion starts...

-I was doused.. -said a guy who I think his name was Spoon.
-Well I was too on night one -added Jack.
-We need to fucking stop him or her before it gets out of hand, we know how
arsos are -the Chaos guy said, I think I can trust that guy.
-Well how do we know it's not you? -a girl with a red eye asked-. Maybe you're
saying that to make us lynch another person!
-Chaos anything you have to say about it? -the mayor raised an eyebrow and
looked at him.
-It's not me, I fucking swear! -Chaos yelled-. Maybe it's her!
-This discussion doesn't make sense -Pewds whispered to me.
-I know, it's like town is trying to get someone lynched but we don't have any
leads at all -I whispered back.
-You two calm down! I think our biggest problem right now it's that
tomorrow it's a full moon night.. -said a guy called Gassy.

And everyone stayed silent for a moment remembering

There was still a werewolf not found..

-Shit, werewolf what are we going to do!? -Pewds said panicking as always.
-Seriously calm down man, you're getting on my nerves -that's when
douchebag Ohmwrecker appears out of nowhere, making me want to fucking
cut his head off.
-Ohm shut the actual fuck up -I said to him tired of his bullshit.
-Well he's kind of annoying and even you know that -a guy with a weird
accent said, I don't remember his fucking and I don't care either.
-Seriously if you're town members you wouldn't be saying this kind of things,
assholes -said the red eye girl and that's when I started to like her.
-That's actually kind of true -Goldy pointed out.
-Are we voting them? -the Chaos guy whispered to me.
-I don't even know, maybe Ohm is exe and the other weird one is fucking
jester -I whispered back.
-Well, I'm going to just say to you that the other one is not jester, I saw he
works with guns and knives, so he might be vigilante or mafioso -He
whispered back to me.
-So you're inves.. and he might be mafioso, you probably should investigate
Ohm tonight and see what happens and also I'm spy, hope I can trust you -I
said to him and he smiled to me knowing that we can actually trust each other.

*Galm's P.O.V.*

I was blackmailed so I couldn't say anything, I had some information but just
about town.

On the first night as a sheriff I interrogated Ze and he was not suspicious, so
I know I can trust him. But on the second night I interrogated Diction and he
didn't look like a town member or a mafia member but he wasn't an SK
either, I wrote not suspicious even tough.. he looked like a neutral role to me.

-I don't even know who to trust right now -the Jack guy sighed.
-I say we vote off the Yamimash guy -Gassy added and I was still not sure
about him, I mean yeah he's rude just like the Ohm guy with the mask but
maybe he's just the frickin jester.
-Wait no, he might be jester.. he might be rude but he's probably just trying to
get lynched -Pewdie said and he looked not panicked at all which was really
-Are you sure about this? -Cry looked at him kind of sad for his friend, I have
to admit that they make a great couple, just like the Chaos guy and Ze.
-I'm positive, I don't want to make any mistakes.. -Pewdie looked back at him
and gave a little smile, I ship it.
-So no voting today either town? -the mayor asked.

And everyone said no.. but someone seemed kind of suspicious to me at

There was this weird guy, who I don't remember his name but I think it was
something like Nanner or Nanners, he looked like a freaky guy.. I wasn't
planning on interrogating him because I promised Ze, I was going to
interrogate a guy called Smarty.. but on the third night, I was going to see
what's up with that guy.

*Syndicate's P.O.V.*

-Jesus that was a long fucking discussion -I said, I was with Pewdie and Cry.
-I know right?, you know you can trust both us! -Cry said.
-Yeah you guys don't seem suspicious at all, so you're the spy and you're the
vet? -I asked making sure I wrote it on my will.
-Yes, and you're the jailor? who's going to jail tonight? -Pewdie asked.
-Well I was thinking Ohm but he might be jester and I don't want to use one
the executions on the jester, it would be dumb as fuck..
-Yeah he might be exe or jester so, don't take that risk... -Pewdie said.
-I think I'm going to jail the Chaos guy.. -I finally said.
-Oh no, don't! -Cry quickly said to me.
-WOW! Why?
-He's the investigator, we can actually trust him... -He said and he was sure
about it.
-Okay, I'm going to trust you on this one! so do you have anyone in mind that
I can jail?..
-I think you should jail... -Cry was saying but Pewdie quickly interrupted
-The girl with the hat.. I don't remember her name..
-I think it's Ziegs, yeah Ziegs.. well she hasn't talked yet so most of the people
who don't talk much seem suspicious.. -I said.
-I know, they're like standing there waiting for discussions to be over and
planning on do something and you don't even know what it is.. -Cry sighed.
And I didn't know why but I needed to say it.
-You guys make a great couple -I smiled at them and I could see how Pewdie
blushed like crazy.
-Well we-we're ju-st friends.. right Pew-ds? -Cry stuttered and looked at him.
-Oh yeah.. -he answered.

I'm not buying it.

*Ze's P.O.V.*

I finally was going to visit Chilled. I was scared he didn't trust me anymore, I mean he's the only person I can actually trust..

-Ze? -he asked and I saw how nervous he was-. What are you doing here?
-Well.. Chilled here's the thing, you don't trust me anymore and we promised we were going to tell each other everything, I know your role because you should be careful on where you leave your will, but I'm not an serial killer okay? -I said frustrated.
-You're the doctor then, who did you heal!? -He asked more like yelled at me.
-I healed Galm and Necro, that's it!
-How do I know you're not lying and this is just a game!?
-Because you know you can trust me! I would never, ever lie to you!
-Maybe you're just pretending to be a doctor to get close to me and then stab me, Ze I don't know if I can ever trust you again about this.. I'm not willing to take the risk..

And with that he closed the door on my face..

A/N: Galm ships RoyalChaos and PewdieCry and so does Syndicate lol. So thanks for reading as always, love from Argentina and if the next chapter is awful it's because I wrote it with my best friend who's personality is just like fucking Smarty's.

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