I'm not dying, you say that we'll just screw it up in these trying times

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'There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in the madness.'        -Friedrich Nietzsche



Lilliana woke up scowling and squinting at her surroundings but realized and remembered what happened, and almost groaned in frustration but Rhea walked in

"Oh you're awake." She said placing a tray on her bedside table, they tray contained food, she almost smiled, and then she didn't 

"No, you're talking to my ghost." She said.

Rhea chuckled. 

"Told you, her humor still is in there." 

Lilliana felt embarrassed, she looked at Eris who stood there in his "glory", his hair looked clean and not pelted with bottles of gel, but was rather glowing like fire in curls. He was clad in a reddish orange jacket and beige pants, with boots.

"You look clean." She once again blurted out, she felt like the best option of stopping herself from more embarrassment was only to winnow away and beg someone to kill her. Eris smirked like the stupid idiot he was

"I mean I do clean up nicely." Eris said 

She was about to say something but stopped herself thinking she'd blurt something embarrassing again.

"Eris Make sure she eats." Rhea said and left the room. 

"Eat." He said

She didn't touch the tray, she didn't feel like eating. 

"Have it." 

She didn't 

"Have it." He  said

"I've been poisoned already, I'm not that desperate to fall in your arms again." 

"Aren't you?" He teased

She rolled her eyes. 

He gestured towards the bowl.

"I think I'm having trust issues with food." She muttered

"If I wanted to get rid of you, I wouldn't have helped  you, my not-desperate acquaintance."

"I'm not your acquaintance, and for the record, I don't want to be. Mister no-attachments- and-no-interest." 



"Well then my sweet nemesis, you must realize, that you will have to eat or I'll have to be a good friend and spoon-feed you and I think you won't like that." He said, nearing her face

It was a face too familiar. He smelled of warm cocoa and cozy bonfires. Crisp. Once again familiar. (mwahahaha)

She was mesmerized by his eyes, they weren't only amber but had flecks of pale blue and gold in his eyes, he had a ring of russet around his iris. (Fee: While I dieee)

She stopped staring at his eyes.

"I won't like it at all princeling." She murmured

His eyelashes were long as well, and the nose was pretty straight-

"Wouldn't you?" He murmured

"Not at all." 

"How sad." He said 

And then-

"Now that you might be done-


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