you can aim for my heart go for blood but you would still miss me in your bones

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Another one.
He drank another glass.
"Can you stop behaving like an animal?" Lilliana asked annoyed with Felix's attitude 

"No." He grinned, the lady of the autumn court, Rhea had asked her to help her son, Felix by accompanying him to the library, since he would mess up the books.

"Y'know Eris didn't return last night." Felix spoke to annoy her 


"Where do you think he was." Felix asked 

"I don't know and I don't care." She gritted out 

"Oh please, 

"And how do you know that?" She asked narrowing her eyes

"Oh that, Eris was boasting about how you get along with him." Felix muttered grabbing two more books. 

She didn't answer him and went to check another shelf, they were wee currently looking for books on dresses. She had snorted when Rhea said they needed to research on the dresses and outfits of the former rulers of the autumn court. Felix was annoying but not like Zane who made Lilliana want to bang her head on the wall or pull out her hair. The two then loaded the books in the satchels and then went back to the Manor.
"Your majesty?" The guard asked
"Yes?" Lilliana said
"There is something you need to see." The guard said and lead her to a room.
She went in.
Eris sat on a chair, grinning ear to ear, Lilliana looked at him horrified at the toothy grin.
The guard left, and she had no interest in walking him back to his rooms that were so far away from here, and she had no qualms to do that especially when he reeked of the strong stench of ale and wine. She didn't want to do it even if it gave her satisfaction, she tore down his mental barriers and persuaded him to winnow both of them to his wing. He did and kept grinning at her like an idiot. They entered his wing and he was about to fall before she pulled him up by grabbing his jacket. She dragged him to his room and helped him on the couch.
"What happened?" She asked ignoring the grin
"Nothing!" He sang.
Her eye twitched and she looked at him funny.
She sighed and walked to his bathing room and turned on the taps, in a few minutes the tub was full of water, preparing baths wasn't her topmost favourite thing but she knew how to do it. She then grabbed a shirt, jacket and pants from his wardrobe and threw them on his bed.
"Go bathe, and when you're sober, we'll talk." She told him and left.
She then met Rhea in her rooms, the lady was reading the books she and Felix had got. A dozen parchments of paper were full of sketches.
"Oh, you're here." Rhea said smiling, yet her eyes were full of sadness. She looked weary, tired and exhausted.
"Is there a way I can help you." Lilliana blurted out
"Um with the sketches." Lilliana didn't want to tell Rhea she knew how abusive Beron was towards her.
"Oh of course, I need your measurements." Rhea said
The lady then measure her.
"Is there anyone you want posing as your bridesmaid." Rhea asked
"Isabelle." She said
"Isabelle, your handmaiden?" Rhea questioned
"Yes, if there's no problem with that." Lilliana said
"There's no problem in that." Rhea said
It seemed like Rhea didn't want to be around her
"Look, what did you did yesterday. Be careful. My husband didn't sense your magic and got fooled but I have mental walls, that aren't brittle." Rhea said
"Okay." She said not knowing what to say, she was speechless
Who would've thought that the lady of the autumn court who she had thought of as harmless and easy to break, would be so strong mentally.
The two spent half the day sketching the dresses they found.
And to destroy the peace that was surrounding them, Eris walked in, looking sober
"Mother, can I talk to her."
Rhea nodded and left the room.
"You said we would talk, when i got sober again." Eris said
"I did?" She let out a nervous laugh
"You did." Eris said
"Oh. Yeah." She said
"What I wanted to say was."
"Yes." Eris asked
She bit her lip, wanting to ask him about where he was last night, and if he was fine, and if he knew what she did. But all she said was
"Please return home at night, your brother Felix was worried." She lied
"I have to go." She said and began walking towards the door turning her back on him.
"So you didn't care where I was?" His voice cut through
She froze
"No?" It seemed more like a question to herself
That made her spin around
"What?" He said
"Why is it good that I don't care." She gave him a pointed look
"Because there is no need for you to care about a person who will never return your feelings, regardless they are of love or hate. So therefore, don't waste your time on me, even if you have a lot of it. It will be of no use, I have never come to love someone and I will not." Eris said
And his words were like a ice cold bucket of water on her. She hated him, but his words hurt her, she gulped
"Then why bother, to tell me anything, then why bother bragging me to your brothers." She asked
He narrowed his eyes
"Bragging? I was just telling them about our evening, not my fault, a mishap happened back then." He said referring to the accidental k i s s
"Okay point taken but why did you even bother wasting your time on me and take me out." She asked
"Take you out? Don't get too familiar with this, I had to, because my mother won't stop asking me to, and that was the only way I could leave the god damn manor to be with better company." Eris said
"Oh so you'd resort to better company then being friendly with the person you're about to be tied with for the rest of your life." Lilliana asked harshly
"I told you I had no qualms on getting attached." Eris retorted coldly
"Fine, so now answer my question; who would you rather spend your time with." She spat
"With another female." She asked
"What?" He asked shocked
"I'm not that dumb, you were reeking of alcohol, but also of a female scent. I'm fae too." She said
"So what? What it's it to you?" Eris asked
"Oh so you admit to being with someone else." She replied
"What if I do admit, it's not like we're anything." Eris said
She glared daggers at him
"Fine." She hissed
And hurled her dagger just beside him on the wall.
She left the room, a string of curses rolling of her tongue.
The guards gave her a wary look as she left the manor grounds, but a few glares got them to open the gates, she left, the leaves crunched beneath her feet, she was without a cloak so hiding her face wasn't an option. She entered a shop that sold clothing and purchased a cloak. She pulled on the hood of the cloak and then made her way. She walked and walked.
And came upon a cliff, over looking a fast stream. She sat down on the ground, and took out another dagger that she had and grabbed a stone and used it to sharpen the edges of it. She was furious, at Eris and her brother, but mostly Eris. Eris Vanserra, who made her want to kill him yet also made her heart race.
And after sharpening the damn dagger she hurled the stone into the air. She laid down on the ground, tucked her dagger in, and using magic created snowflakes. 
"You okay?"
She quickly sat up and whipped her head in the direction of the voice.
Felix stood there.
"What are you doing here?" She snapped as she stood up unsheathing her dagger
"Hey, calm down." He said
"Answer my question." She said with fury in her voice
"I came to check up on you." He admitted
"How did you know I was here?" She asked narrowing her eyes
"Well, I asked a vendor who said she saw you going this way and then I followed your scent." He said smiling sheepishly
Lilliana was amused, a wee bit proud at his tracking skills.
She nodded and sat down again, he sat down beside her.
"I'm sorry." He blurted out
She tilted her head at it, not quite believing the apology
"For what?"
"For annoying you."
She snorted at that.
"Well you're forgiven." She said
"You're mad at Eris?" He asked
"Yes." She said
"Why?" He asked
"Because he is a dumb Idiot." She said
"Oh so Eris didn't hit you." He said sounding relieved
"Take his name one more time and I'll rip of your limbs and shove them up your arse." She sneered
"Huh?" He said
For emphasis she took out her dagger that was newly sharpened. He took one look at it and the end of his mouth tugged up.
"You interest me a lot." He said
"Why?" She asked flatly
"Because you're the type of female that knows how to put bastards like Eris in their place." He said
She chuckled
"The fae, He is with, usually banging her, is soft and easy." He said quietly
She sucked her tooth and rolled her eyes.
"You hate him?" He asked
"Yes, I hate him." She said
"How much."
"I hate him with my whole heart." She said
The two stayed silent
"Why did you actually come here?" She asked
"I came, because I heard a thump and the sharpness of a dagger embedding somewhere." He said
"And you thought the dagger hit me." She asked
"How hilarious, you literally thought that the pathetic excuse of a brother you had, would hit me. Don't worry about me because he'll be dead before he can move." Lilliana said looking at him funny
"You can't blame me, I wasn't sure." He said dramatically
"Then don't assume." She said stifling a laugh
"Fine, But I wont forget your rudeness. Ever Ms. Annie." He said dramatically again and sniffed
Two can play the game of nick names
"Oh how poetic of you, Fee." She said snorting
"Oh my god." He said
"Fee is such a nice nickname, Annie." Felix said grinning like an idiot
She laughed
"There you are." He said
"The smile suits you." He said pulling her up on her feet. She kept on grinning
"You, Fee are amusing." She said eyes sparkling.

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