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My alarm annoyingly woke me up, "gosh I feel like breaking that damn thing" I mumbled as I woke up annoyed. It's my second day going to school, I went to shower as usual, like showering is our first priority! I decided to wear something more cute today, cause why not. I wore a cute sweater and black jeans with black boots

I then realised that I was running late and quickly sorted my books and ran downstairs, without eating breakfast, I ran to the car to leave, then realizing that my brother is going to drive me to school

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I then realised that I was running late and quickly sorted my books and ran downstairs, without eating breakfast, I ran to the car to leave, then realizing that my brother is going to drive me to school.

"Ain't appa taking me to school?" You asked Sangyeon. "Oh yeah...well appa said that hes busy and he needed to complete a task which his company gave him, so he couldn't take you, so I decided let me drive you to college instead, and Juyeon's going to be there so I might as well say hi" he said while entering the car.

You then thought about what happened yesterday between your'll and what Chaewon had said. You reached college and Sangyeon walked you to your first class, you suddenly saw Juyeon entering the same class as yours. "Hey Juyeon! Sangyeon screamed. You tried to hide your face while entering the classroom cause you didn't want things to get awkward.

He glanced at you and went up to Sangyeon. "Omg hii Sangyeon, what brings you here?" Juyeon asked confused. "I came to drop Seohyun, and I thought I might as come to say hi". Sangyeon replied. "Oh! That's really thoughtful of you Sangyeon, why dont we meet up at lunch at 11:00 by the cafe, I'm in a hurry cause class is about to start and i dont want to be waiting outside cause of being late ya know" he said awkwardly. "Sure thing" Sangyeon said

They both said their goodbyes and Juyeon entered the classroom, just in time before the teacher walks in. Juyeon sat next to be making me feel a but awkward and shy.

After the class I left the room when Juyeon stopped me, "h..hey Seohyun, what's up?" He stammered a bit. "Hii Juyeon, nothing much, I was just about to meet up with the girls and you?"
"Oh cool, your brother wanted to meet up with me lunch break time" he replied. Things went silent for a bit when Chaewon found me by Juyeon.

"SEOHYUN!!!!!!!" Chaewon said with Seonghwa behind her. "Chaewon...quit yelling, everyone's looking, *looks at Seonghwa* hey Seonghwa, *looks back at Chaewon*, soooo were the others?" I said as I looked at her a bit annoyed because of what she did last night. "Oh they all at the cafe, they waiting for you and Juyeon" she smirked and me and nudged my shoulder. "Chaewon stop! Ughhh, let's just go!" I said a bit angrily.
"Juyeon, why dont come along since you're meeting Sangyeon by the cafe too, you said as you smiled at Juyeon.

Juyeon agreed to come along. As we entered the cafe we Sangyeon who was now looking like a blow fish while drinking a bottle of water.

 As we entered the cafe we Sangyeon who was now looking like a blow fish while drinking a bottle of water

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