I love you....but as a friend....i think

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???: S...Seohyun...is that you?

You looked back to see who it was.

Seohyun: W...W...What are you doing here!!!???

You couldnt believe she had the damn nerve to come up to you and say my name! Yeah and she is Soomin!

Soomin: w...well I thought I recognized you from behind.

Seohyun: You have a damn nerve to come up to me after all that you have done. *gets really angry*

Soomin: I'm really sorry Seohyun, i just want to fix things between us. I dont want you to hold a grudge against me. Please forgive me.

Seohyun: *screams* FORGIVE YOU! Wow, how more pathetic can you be huh? Hell no, you better leave before I kill you and I swear I will.

Soomin: Just give me a chance.

Seohyun: Hell No!

You heard noises from the back of you and turned around to see who it was and yep it was the others...(The girls)

Chaewon: Seohyun? Whats going on?

Jiwoo: Bit** you have a damn nerve after what you did.

Hayoon: I'mma beat her ass if she doesnt leave.

Soomin: Guys please give me a chance. I really have changed.

Jiyoung: Changed you say, I'm glad you didnt do anything to Bang Chan! If you did, I sure you'll regret why you were borned.

Chaewon: Guys! Just relax!

Seohyun: Relax!!! Really! She was even going after my brother! What the hell man!

Jiwoo: She did what!

Heejin: I wont expect any less from that slut though. Well I'm not gonna waste my time fighting that's why I've been quite! I'm just waiting for your next move Soomin!

Soomin: hhh... please just hear me out.

Seohyun: Bit** get lost. You motherf*****.

Chaewon: SEOHYUN!!! LANGUAGE!!! I'M STILL BIGGER THAN ALL OF YOUR'LL SO THAT MEANS I'M RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR'LL!!! I dont want that attitude Seohyun! I get you angry but relax.

Seohyun: *walks away*

You walk away from them without saying a word after you got shouting from Chaewon. As you rushed walking away you bumped into another person.

???: Oh! I'm sorry.

You looked up to see I.U

Seohyun: *rolls eyes* Great! Even better!

I.U: Seohyun? OMG...I.. I.. how you doing?

Seohyun: Oh thanks for asking, I'm great!!! *said in a mean attitude*

I.U: *bows head* I get if you still angry with me but I literally didnt do anything to you!

Seohyun: heh! *rolls eyes and walks away*

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