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It was two days before Bang Chan and Jiyoung's anniversary and we all were really happy and excited for her. Also the theme or something like that were to come as a couple....but you still dont have anyone to go with...well yeah you do have Younghoon but you want to be with Juyeon. It's really hard for you to decide and if you go with Younghoon Juyeon wont have anyone to go with and you and Juyeon are usually partners when it comes to things that you have to work together in a pair. Juyeon doesn't work with any other female except you cause he trust me the most from all those play girls out there.


Hey. For Bang Chan
and Jiyoung's anniversary,
are you going with Younghoon?

Heyy. Uhh I dont

Oh... could you be my

Awwww🥺 duh obviously.
But what about Younghoon,
I'll feel bad, but I want to go
with you.

🥺 I also.


Even though you've been dating Younghoon, you had a feeling, it's not meant to be. You heart doesn't belong to him for some reason. You've been realizing it for quite a while now. You also had second thought about breaking up with each other and just stay friends. You wanted to tell him as soon as possible before things get too far, so you decided to message him.


Hi Younghoon, could we
talk tomorrow please.

Hey, yeah sure, is
everything good?




*the next day*  *Thursday*

You got ready for school in the morning. You wore casual clothes like everyday clothes.

Sangyeon dropped you of at school and went in college

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Sangyeon dropped you of at school and went in college. You spotted Juyeon by the vending machine and went up to him.

Seohyun: Heyyyyy...

Juyeon: Brahh! OMG dont sneak up on me like that. *places hand on his chest*.

Seohyun: hehe sorry scary cat.

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