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Seohyun: J..Juyeon... *sniffs*

Chaewon: Seohyun! Why are you crying?

Seohyun: *cries in Chaewon's arms*

Hayoon: What's wrong?

Jiwoo: Are you okay? Seohyun?

Heejin: Seohyun *Pat's your head*

Jiyoung: What happened? Tell us.

Seohyun: *shows the photos to them*

Jiyoung: OMG!!!

Hayoon: ....W..what!?

Chaewon: How did you find this?

Heejin: How could he do that?

Jiwoo: Who sent you it?

Seohyun: S...Soomin! S..she went a pa..rty as a couple w..with Ju..Juyeon.

Jiyoung: Seohyun! I'm sorry.

Hayoon: Yeah! I'm gonna beat Soomins ass on Monday.

Jiwoo: Dont worry about her, shes a bi***.

Chaewon: Shes just tryna make you upset that's all.

Seohyun: Its not about her... it's a.. about Juyeon!

Jiwoo: Relax Seohyun! Juyeon would never go on a date or whatever party with Juyeon.

Jiyoung: Yeah. He would never do that, especially with somebody who hurt you in the past.

Seohyun: You probably right. But what if it's TRUE...

Hayoon: She probably photoshopped it. It's really easy to photoshop.

Chaewon: Yeah, it is.

Jiwoo: Okay! Let's just watch the Kdrama, please dont cry over fake things.

Jiyoung: She just tryna make you upset. That's what she does best. Now please can your'll put Start-up.

Hayoon: Yessir.

Chaewon: Don't worry Seohyun.

Your'll then put on Start-up and watched it. You barely concentrated on the kdrama because the only thing that was on your mind was those photos.

Seohyun: (Juyeon...why! How could you. I even told you about what she did to me in the past but you still did what you did. What do I even mean to you?!)

After your'll watched Start-up, it was time for them to leave.

Chaewon: Bye Seohyun and dont worry about anything. If you need anything just tell me.

Hayoon: And if you need to talk to someone, I'm here for you.

Jiwoo: We are also here for you.

Seohyun: Thank you.

All: Bye.

Seohyun: Bye.

After they left the only thing you wanted to do was sleep and not worry about anything.

*Monday Morning*

You got ready for college in the morning and wore...

You got ready for college in the morning and wore

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