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*knock* *knock*

You heard from the lounge.

You walked to the lounge to see who is it and who the hell is here so late...(well not really late...20:34) you opened the door to....

20:34) you opened the door to

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Seohyun: J...J...Juyeon...whay are you doing here?

You looked shocked.

Juyeon: H...Hi Seohyun, well Sangyeon invited me.

Sangyeon: JUYEON!!! HI!!!

He said screaming from upstairs.

Juyeon came inside cause he was freezing his butt out outside. I dragged Samgyeon to the kitchen and interrogated him.

Seohyun: What is he doing here!?

You asked Sangyeon trying not to let Juyeon hear.

Sangyeon: What do you mean! His my friend too, I can invite him anytime I want you know.

Seohyun: *rolls eyes* ugh

You left the kitchen and went upstairs. While going upstairs you stopped and stared at Sangyeon smorking at you and looking at Juyeon.

Seohyun: (that dog) have fun guys

Sangyeon: dont you want to join us.

Seohyun: *fake smiles* noo enjoy yourself I have some work to do.

Sangyeon: ohh shame, your lose.

You rolled your eyes and entered your room. You still had Samgyeon's laptop with you so you decided to watch some YouTube videos and relax. You could hear laughing and screaming from downstairs which made you annoyed but you also laughed at them cause they were laughing which made you laugh cause their laugh was funny (you know what I mean🤣). You then decided to video call Heejin and Jiwoo cause you love annoying those two the most.

*in video call*

Seohyun: Hey guys what's up

Jiwoo: Yooooo nothing.

Heejin: Hii nothing as usual.

Seohyun: Same, guys you wont guess who's here.

Jiwoo: OMG Michael Jackson!!!

Heejin: What!!! Jiwoo you crazy.

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