The Popular Guy

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"Hey" a voice from behind me said.

"OH MY FFF......" I said as I was startled. I looked back to see a tall and handsome looking guy. He gave you a warm smile and laughed.

(omg, it's the same guy before at the cafe!

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(omg, it's the same guy before at the cafe!. He sooo damn hot up close!) thought to yourself.

"Hehe, are you okay?" He said sweetly and kindly. "Y....yes...gosh you miss to give me a heart attack!" I said as I uncontrollably blushed and pushed my hair aside. "I was about to go to the cafe, want to join?" He asked. "Sure, I was about to go there too" I replied.


As I finished my class, I was about to meet up with Bang Chan and Jungkook to discuss our assignment. On the way I saw Seohyun with that new guy. "Is that Seohyun?, wow hes already after her. He mumbled to himself feeling a bit down.

"JUYEON!!!!!" someone yelled his name. He turned around to see Jungkook and Bang Chan running towards him. "Guys, hey, i was on my way to find your'll" he said. "Oh! *he said laughing* I guess we found you first" Bang Chan said as he also laughed. "Yooo dude why you feeling a bit down, what happened?!" Jungkook asked seriously. "I..its nothing.....ugh I seriously can believe that that new guy's going after Seohyun!"He said both sadly and angrily. "He did what!!! Juyeon you seriously have to tell Seohyun your feelings towards her, before it's too late" Bang Chan said with a straight face. "I agree with Bang Chan, hes actually really good at telling advice, no wonder why Jiyoung chose him" Jungkook filled in.

There was a bit of silence until they entered the cafe.


"By the way, I'm Younghoon, nice to meet you" he said politely. "I'm Seohyun, nice to meet you too." I said in return, while my heart beating super fast, cause you felt really shy.

As you entered the cafe you saw the others and they all waved at you, you went towards them with Younghoon following behind. "Hey guys. What's up. You said to them. "Hiii, who the handsome dude" Jiwoo asked. "Oh hes Younghoon, the one at the cafe were all the girls were surrounding him" you replied as you whispered to them. "Ohhhh hey Younghoon" Heejin said to Younghoon.

"Hey guys!!!" Jungkook said as he spotted them. "JUNGKOOK!" Heejin ran to Jungkook and hugged him. "O...oh heyy my baby" Jungkook said while hugging Heejin back. "Hey Juyeon" I said to Juyeon while he came in with Bang Chan. "H..hey Seohyun, how you doing?" Juyeon asked kindly. "I'm good thanks and you?" You replied. "I'm good" he said.

We all took a seat and ordered food. After we ate we spoke to Younghoon and asked him about himself and facts about him. I had one more class to attend which was Maths, I sat in class with Heejin, Hayoon, Jiwoo, Chaewon and Seonghwa. After class we then waited for our transport when Juyeon approached me.

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