"My love for you is concealed"

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"Hi Hyunjin, what's up" I said as I saw Hyunjin. "Yooooo, Juyeon" Hyunjin said funky. "Weres Jungkook" you asked. "I'm here, what's up" Jungkook said as he sneaked up to Juyeon. "Can I talk to you" you said. "Sure" Jungkook said confused. You and Jungkook went to the the art room. "So what's wrong?" He asked totally lost. "Must I tell her!" He said. "Tell who?" He asked. "Seohyun!" He said. "Finally, we have been waiting for this day for like I dont know how long. Yes goo, go tell her" he said excitedly. "But...she and Younghoon are really close, what if she doesnt like me, what if she likes Younghoon, what if I brake her heart, what if..." he said but got interrupted. "JUYEON! CHILL, ITS GOING TO BE FINE, JUST TELL HER AND STOP WORRYING!" Jungkook said as she tried to make me relax. "Okay fine, I'm gonna go it" you said.

After they both talk about how they gonna tell Seohyun, they left the art room and all of a sudden you spotted Younghoon and Seohyun.


"brahahahahahah, omg I saw that, he was like excuse boy that's my girl" you laughed and said to Younghoon as yourll were talking about a movie. "Seohyun!" You heard a voice from behind said. You looked around to see Juyeon. "Juyeon OMG, hiiii" you said excitedly. "Hi, do you have the physics assignment?" He asked. "Yes I do, I almost forgot it though. You answered and smirked. "Hahaha I knew you would let us down, plus you'll never forget an assignment" he said jokingly. "Younghoon, hi, what's up" Juyeon asked Younghoon who was busy on his phone. "Oh hi Juyeon, nothing much, its almost time for our first class, we should go now guys" he said as he put his phone away. "Yeah sure come on" you said as you followed Younghoon to your first class. Apparently they had physics and all three of them had to give in the assignment.

After Physics class you didnt have any classes except I.T at the end of the day so you decided to relax. After taking a walk outside you spotted Younghoon coming towards you.

"Hey" he said. "Hi, dont you have any classes?" You asked him. "Nope I thought I'd come chill with you" he said. "Hi Younghoon" a group of girls said as they walked pass us. Younghoon waved and them and continued to talk to me. We both sat down on the bench behind us. Younghoon then asked. "Are you busy on Staurday?" "Uhh...no...why?" You asked. "Well...I thought that we could go out together." He said as he blushed. "Oh...uhhh...that wo..would be nice." You said as you also blushed and turned your head the other opposite direction from Younghoon. "Okay, then its sorted. Let's call it a date and to get to know you better." He said as he came closer to you. "Uhh....okay" you said as you tried not to scream from his warm breathe reaching your face.

The both of walked around the college looking at the beautiful trees and flowers. Your'll then went for ice-cream since both of yourll didnt have classes till the end of the day.

 Your'll then went for ice-cream since both of yourll didnt have classes till the end of the day

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It was almost the end of the day and was about to have I.T. Younghoon and you really had a nice day, yourll fooled around and he got to know more about you and you got to know alot and interesting facts about him. He used to play soccer, hes afraid of dogs and damn he can whistle and its sooo beautiful.

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