Five (承受) - The Outburst

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Warning: This chapter contains heavy subjects such as sexual harassment, blood, and mentions of child abuse and rape. If these are triggering to you we advise to skip this chapter.

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Fingers tapping in order echoed throughout the quiet establishment. A (H/C) haired figure rested her chin onto her palm as she waited patiently for last-minute clients before closing.

For a while she stood near the cash register with her eyes glancing from her magazine to the glass door, time flowed slowly.

She checked the clock behind her for the time but only saw that a minute had passed since she last checked an hour ago, or so it seemed.

(E/C) eyes got tired of looking at pretty faces in the magazine; she could only stare at the wall behind stations for hair.

The almost chipped cream paint was dull and there was no telling when it would be time to close.

Until she heard the bells on the door ringing at the movement of an entrance, her eyes turned towards the entryway only to find her mother's boyfriend standing in a drunken state.

"I want a shaving."

The man commanded, his words slurring as he toppled whenever he took a step. He walked further inside with a feverish smile tugging on his lips.

With him being taken as a customer under the establishment, she nodded her head while keeping quiet in his presence.

Having him sit down on one of the chairs, she prepared everything while she felt the older man staring at her body.

The sensation of his eyes on her causing her to clench the materials she brought out.

"Will it only be a shave?" She questioned him when she faced back at him.

With a perverted smile spreading on his lips, she drunkenly laughed at her voice as he just nodded his head.

Lathering the man's throat, intending to only trim around the edges of his beard, to free his neck and the underside of his jaw of bristles.

She leans forward, the strong smell of alcohol on him hitting her nose. The lingering smell and the disgusting true smell of him mixed together that she held her breath.

She begins to trim his beard, her eyes focused on only her work while his eyes, though drunk, were focused on her.

Smearing shaving cream on him, she starts to shave him, the razor moving upwards, circling the edges of his beard. As she starts having to lean closer to the man, he takes advantage of it and trails his hand onto her exposed thigh.

Reacting to his sudden touch, she moves away, her expression emotionless. "I am at work at the moment. You shouldn't touch me."

The man drunkenly laughs at the girl's bitter words while sitting up. The wrinkles around his eyes curl more which showcases his actual old age. She watches as he gets up off the seat and wearily walks closer to her.

In the spur of the moment, she raised the razor to protect herself from the drunken man. The same thing she had done before but failed to succeed in. The thought brought her to drop the item and instead feel small.

The pitiful look on her face brought him to acknowledge the power he had over her, he cornered the girl into the table. Both his hands on either side of her.

Her heart rate accelerated and she attempted to control her breathing rate in front of the scary man before her.

The flash of the previous times he had gone home drunk only for him to show up in her bedroom. Only for him to use her like a rag dog for selfish and disgusting favors.

He touched her thighs once more. Typically he enjoyed being rough with her, he enjoyed the way she would fight back just a little but never to scratch or to scream.

She dodged his touches by moving her legs as far away from his hands as possible but when he tried to move on and kiss her she kept her lips away from him.

Something he didn't like much, he held her neck to get a kiss from her but even then she sucked in her lips and fought her way. To this, the man scoffs before commenting. "You behaved better when you were just a kid."

The recallment of when she was younger came to mind; the day she had just come home from volleyball practice. He had been her coach before getting involved with her mother.

To keep her relationship with him, she told her to allow the assault to happen.

To keep him satisfied.

She was to lie on her front, pretending to sleep through the sodomy. The horror she felt whenever blood would drip down her legs because of the rip created by him.

The memory of his daily touches through the years was enough for her to break. The pent up anger finally burst as she pushed him off and onto the ground. "You and my mother are truly horrible disgusting pigs. I have had enough!"

When the male tries to stand up from his place on the floor, the (H/C) haired girl looked around before grabbing a nearby decoration.

Without hesitation, she hits him on the head with a glass vase.

Due to the impact, she falls back and begins to bleed. Her eyes stare down at the blood and disgust doesn't die down from her, instead, guilt takes over as she tries to clean up the oozing blood with her shirt but to no avail.

His skin greying as the light left his eyes, blood had gotten all over her to the point she stood up in horror before running right out of the shop.

She was a murderer . . .

© 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘯 𝘣𝘺 𝘋𝘪𝘯𝘰, 𝘌𝘥𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘺 𝘊𝘩𝘪𝘣𝘪

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