*part two*

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Mitsukis POV-

*time skip: lunch break (rooftop)*

I turn around to see Iwaizumi standing and looking at me. "Can I help you?" "I want to talk to you..", he looked at Cho"..alone." "Uhm can't that wait I'm eating my Lunch", I ask him politely. "It's serious Sugawara." He looked me dead in the eyes. "Alright. Cho I'll be back in a few minutes." She nodded and I stood up and followed Iwaizumi. He stopped at the entrance of the rooftop. "So what is it?" "It's about Oikawa. He-" I started walking away. I wasn't even controlling my body. It felt like my body was controlling me. "Sugawara I-" I turn around to see him stand there. He looked so innocent and kind of disappointed. "Tell me but make it quick." "Thank you..Well he is sorry about what happened today." "Oh well I can't remember seeing him today.." "Wait wha-" "What happened today?" "Never mind...Sorry for disturbing you." I then walk towards Cho. She stands up and immediately knowing what I want to do. We walk to our class. "Cho I'll be back in a few minutes." "Okay but wh-" I was gone. I ran to the bathroom and locked myself into a cabin. Salty tears escape my eyes even tho I wanted to hide them. They kept running down my cheeks and down my neck. I tried to sob as quietly as possible. I'm going to be honest with you it was very hard. When I was done and the tears ran out I washed my face and tried to make the puffiness go away. Well at least it worked a little bit. I returned to my class and tried to focus as good as I could.

*time skip: last period*

I quickly stood up and said my goodbyes to Cho. As I walked out of school I realized that it was raining. Ugh I hate this day. This can't get any worse. Maybe I should call Koushi so he can pick m-...He has practice. I hate my life. I was arguing wether I should go home in the rain or wait for it to stop. I ended up waiting. I couldn't wait any longer. It has been one hour and it still hasn't stopped. I got up ready to leave when suddenly I didn't feel any rain on my head. Looking up I realized that someone was holding an umbrella over my head. I was thankful. But obviously there was a twist. This was too good to be true. Looking to my side I saw a certain someone with chocolate brown hair and eyes you could drown in. He smiled at me "Yahoo Mitsuki-chan-" I started walking away not caring about the rain. "Where are you going Mitsuki-cha-" "First of all don't call me that name. Second of all I would rather catch a cold than walking with you. So goodbye Oikawa." I fastened my paste. "Wait up. Mitsu- I mean Sugawara!" I turn around looking him dead in the eyes. "I think you don't get it do you? I don't want to talk to you anymore. That's it. I hate you...with all of my heart. You broke me piece by piece not even caring. You always were a jerk and that never changed to this day." I ran home. He was speechless but eventually stopped trying and started walking home too.

*time skip: at home*

"I'm home Koushi-" oh right he is at practice. I ran to my room and jumped into my bed. I should've put my pjs on. I quickly changed into something more comfortable and got ready for bed. I laid down and thought about the day. It was so chaotic. Typical me..I chuckled. It's just.."Nobody is perfect, but he is.."

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