Chapter 2

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Dancing on My Own

Anxiety completely washes over me as I stare back at myself in the mirror. I feel betrayed that Cheryl put me in that position. But I'd be lying if I said part of it wasn't my fault. I feed into every time he speaks to me or asked me to hangout. Which is just another way how I constantly lead myself to my own doom.

My brother, Josh, and Reggie have been friends since last year's football season. He's been over to the apartment a few times, so my brothers are totally fine with Reggie taking me. Usually, I have to have brothers' approval. Grayson says that he'd be a good influence which I find hard to believe. Reggie is a player. Anybody could see that. I hear a slight tap on my door causing me to look in the direction of the disturbance.

"Hey Reggie is here, are you almost ready?" Josh asks as leans against the door frame. He was dressed in a tight dress shirt and black dress pants. He slicked his hair back causing it to be extra shiny.

"Yeah, I'll be out in a minute," I say as I finish putting on the last bit of makeup.

"but before you leave... would you mind smelling a perfume for me?" I took out the two bottles of perfume I'd had chosen, but I needed the seal of approval from Josh first. I held the first one to his nose and he made a face.

"That one smells like a strip club." He shakes his head in disapproval.

"Wait, how do you know what strip club smells like?" I eyed him suspiciously.

"Uh- yeah, I'll see out in a minute!" He said awkwardly then left.

I take one last look in the mirror before I leave. I wore a tight navy blue dress with a necklace and earring set my mother left behind. I turn out the light before leaving my room. I quickly see Reggie stand up from the and turn my way. He eyed my body with a look of admiration. I couldn't help but feel awkward when he stared.

"Wow..." Reggie sighs to himself quietly.

"Put your tongue back in your mouth, Reggie. Ready to go?" I teased. I latch onto his arm and lead our group out to the car.

When we walk in, I stop in my tracks. What was the old, dusty, gym we'd all come to know and love, had been decorated with many lights and streamers. I look up to see many pictures of Jason, Cheryl's touch.

"It's nice it doesn't smell like sweat for once." Josh comments, he was the first to go run off and find his friends. I knew Grayson didn't want to be alone with us so I said my goodbyes and lead Reggie to go find Cheryl.

"Hey Cheryl, I'm very impressed with the decorations this year. You did an amazing job at commemorating Jason's best moments." I smiled at her. She was hand in hand with some new football hunk of the week. The red dress she wore was long and elegant, she always had the best wardrobe.

"Thank you, H, only the best for JJ." She smiles brightly.

"Are you coming to the after-party at Cheryl's, Lynn?" Reggie asked. He turned to look down at me.

"She'd be dumb if she didn't. It's only going to be the hottest party of the year." She exclaimed. She always took parties too seriously, but she wasn't wrong. Her house was the place to be. In a town like Riverdale, a party at the Blossom's was like New Years'.

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