Chapter Five

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A/N: This chapter gets kind of graphic towards the middle. I tried my best to write smut, please don't hate me.         

        Louis was on a plane back to Manchester, and Niall on a plane to Leeds once the week was over. After holiday break, their finals were coming up and they needed to both study, having spent most of the weeks exploring Ireland. They promised to Skype and call and text whenever they could, because that's currently all they wanted to do. They already missed each other and they had only gotten on planes half an hour ago. But once their flights landed, the rest of their time at college was spent in classes and talking to each other. Before they each knew it, it was the end of the year and they were both headed back to their home towns. But of course, they visited each other..and each other's families. Then, another year started and it was both of their last years. Louis was now twenty two and Niall was twenty one. Each holiday break, they would switch between going to Ireland and going to Doncaster. Pretty soon, it was graduation time and they attended each other's graduations. They decided to move in together in Doncaster, getting a small apartment. Niall had wanted to move to Ireland, but whined that Niall would just be over at Greg's house all the time.

        So now, it was two years later. Louis' twenty three, and Niall's twenty two.

        The Horans and the Tomlinsons helped them move in, having just enough in their apartment. It was only one bedroom, one bathroom. But it was little and cozy for them. Zayn and Perrie moved into an apartment down the hall from them. Zayn and Niall even started working at the same school, and it made pretty good money for each of them. Perrie would bring three other girls named Jesy, Leigh, and Jade over for girl's nights, she'd met them at her new job. Louis..he was the only one who didn't have a job. His cake decorating classes could be useful, but there weren't any openings at cafes around the area. So right now, he'd stay home and clean or watch the tele until Niall came home. And then the two would go on dates sometimes, or just for a walk around the park nearby. 

        Louis was having tea with Perrie in his apartment as Niall walked in and wrapped his arms around Louis, whispering in his ear. "You need to get ready love, remember our trip?" 

        "Oh that's right! Per, We've got to leave, we're going to see Ni's family!" Louis quickly went and put his cup in the sink, a wide smile growing on his face.

        Perrie put her cup in the sink. "I'll see you two when you come back then!" She hugged the both of them and walked out, leaving the two to finish packing. 

        As Louis finished shoving things into a suitcase, Niall zipped all the bags up and slinging them over his shoulder. "Is my beautiful boyfriend ready to go to Ireland?" 

        "Of course, I love seeing Maura and Bobby." He chuckled softly and blushed as they went out, locked the door, and got in the car. 

        The two drove to the airport, hand in hand over the console. They got through security and got on the plane, leaning on each other while they slept. Once they touched down in Ireland, they rushed off the plane and Maura hugged Louis, Bobby hugging Niall. Then they switched and rode back to the house that they knew so well. Niall had a surprise for Louis, and everyone else knew about it. Louis got dressed in his favorite white blazer on and a pair of jeans. Niall put on a similar blue blazer and jeans on. They hopped into the car and went to the same restaurant they had their first date in. They ordered small things each, and then right before they got up from the table, Niall got down on one knee,

        "I know this is cliche, but will you marry me, Louis William Tomlinson?" Everyone in the restaurant 'awed' as Louis' hands went over his mouth, nodding.

        Once he could speak, Niall put the ring on his finger and they both stood, Louis wrapping his arms around the back of Niall's neck. "I will, yes, yes!" The two shared a slow kiss and then left the restaurant. They drove back to the house, quietly talking the whole way. Maura and Bobby left a note saying they would be visiting Greg and that Louis and Niall would have the house to themselves tonight.
        They kicked their shoes off at the doorway and soon, Niall's lips were on Louis'. Niall took the smaller boy in his arms, Louis wrapping his legs around Niall's waist. Niall carried him into the guestroom where they always slept and layed him back on the bed. He stripped Louis of his clothes first, and then stripped himself. He grabbed the base of his own member and tugged his hand up and down slowly as he passionately kissed Louis. This was their first time together, and they both wanted it be special. Louis was still on his back and Niall spread his legs, slowly pushing himself into Louis. 
        He went slow, gaining soft moans and whimpers from Louis. He felt tugs and pulls on his hair from the boy under him. For them, this wasn't just another shag. This was them, in a bed, making love. It was the perfect time for the both of them. Niall came into Louis, letting out a low groan, his breath hitching as he got a satisfied moan from Louis. Niall pulled out of him and layed next to him, wrapping an arm around Louis. They fell asleep like that, and soon, the morning light shined through the slit in the curtains. 

        "Lou, baby, wake up.." Niall's voice was raspy from sleep as he sat up slowly, shaking Louis' shoulder. He only nodded at Niall's words. "Okay, really get up, we both need a shower." He chuckled softly and carried his still mostly asleep fiance into the bathroom. Instead of turning the shower on, he filled the tub with water and got in, Louis following him, resting his head back on Niall's shoulder. 

        Niall took one of Louis' hands and squeezed it softly. A faint smile rested on Louis' lips, finally speaking up. "I love you so much, Ni..and I'm not just saying that because we had an amazing night last night. I love you so much and if I ever lose you, I won't know what to do with my life." 

        "And you'll never figure out, because I'm not leaving you, ever. I'm yours, forever and always." He leaned over and pecked Louis' cheek softly. 

        They both wiped clean with a rag Niall had brought in and got out, getting dressed. They weren't really going to go anywhere, or at least they didn't think so. Niall changed into a pair of basketball shorts and a v-neck shirt, while Louis shrugged on sweatpants that exposed his hips and one of Niall's sweaters. They were cuddled on the couch after Louis told Niall he didn't feel well. Later, Maura passed it off as butterflies from being engaged now, or from not eating. They stayed cuddled on the couch, eating dinner with Bobby and Maura, and they went back to their shared room.

        Louis was on his laptop, laying on his stomach, while Niall sat against the headboard on his laptop. They were both doing wedding planning and stealing glances at each other. Louis had put on his glasses which he called 'ugly as hell and blocky' but Niall loved them. At one point when Niall looked down at Louis, he noticed how his hair would flip in every way if there was no gel holding it up. Or how his glasses caught the gleam of the lamp. But he could still see his perfect ocean blue eyes behind the glasses. In all honesty, Louis was beautiful and Niall knew it. Anyone who saw Louis would know he was beautiful. He was glad that they met at the college fair, he was glad he was now marrying the love of his life. 

        Niall was snapped out of his thoughts when Louis threw a pillow at him. "I called your name like, three times, Ni," Louis shook his head and laughed softly. 

        "What would you like, darling?" He asked, giving a light chuckle. 

        Louis closed his laptop and set it on the floor, crawling up the bed and getting under the duvet. "M'tired. I'm gonna sleep." 

        Niall nodded and pecked his lips quickly. "Then sleep, there's still a few things I want to look up." 

        "Alright, I love you."               

        "I love you too, goodnight, Lou." Niall turned the brightness down on his laptop screen and Louis turned his back to Niall, bringing the duvet up to his chin. Niall would type something in every few minutes and click a link, bookmarking the page. By the time he was done, it was almost one thirty in the morning. He sighed and closed the laptop, setting it on the floor beside the bed and layed down, wrapping an arm around Louis tightly. To them at this very moment, it was perfect. They were in love and nothing could ever change that. Neither of them ever  wanted this feeling of love and perfection to ever go away. 

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