Chapter Three

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        Louis had finished the drive from Manchester to Liverpool and was waiting for Niall to show up. Perrie, Zayn, and him were standing outside the entrance to the mall, Niall said he had gotten stuck in some traffic and the three weren't going in without him, Zayn has suggested it, but both Louis and Perrie said no, they weren't leaving their friend behind. Zayn was quiet and Perrie was going on about her modeling classes when Niall ran up to all of them, giving each a hug and heading inside with everyone. They ate at a small cafe place, and then went to the cinema part of the mall. Niall bought a medium popcorn and a slushie, the other three said they were full though. 
        When they got inside the theatre for Toy Story 3, from left to right it was, Zayn, Perrie, Louis, Niall. Zayn and Perrie were holding hands, while Louis and Niall just kept their hands to themselves. During the movie, one of them would accidentally bump the other's arm and mumble a quick 'sorry' before watching the movie again, but Louis soon felt Niall's hand on top of his, but neither of them moved. They stayed like that for the rest of the movie, and when the movie was over, their hands connected, just like Zayn and Perrie's hands. 

        Niall took his phone from his pocket and checked the time. 10:57 PM. "Um guys, it's almost eleven and I really don't want to drive back to Leeds.." 

        "Well, I've got a flat near my campus. If you're all good with the idea, we could just stay the night there?" Zayn looked at the other three, grabbing his car keys. Perrie, Louis, and Niall nodded and everyone got in their cars, following Zayn to his flat. They all parked wherever they could find a space and went inside. There were books scattered on a desk, but other than that, the place was pretty orderly. "I'm sleeping in my bed, and since obviously Perrie's the only girl here, she can take the couch, then Louis and Niall both on the floor, yeah?" 

        Louis nodded, looking out the window as a strike of lightning flashed. "Oh" Louis almost hissed, gaining the other three's attention. 

        "Something wrong, Lou..?" Niall asked, raising an eyebrow, Louis only shook his head and cleared his throat. "Nope, I'm fine..just a storm is coming in." 

        Perrie smiled, giggling slightly. "Louis, don't tell me you're scared of storms." 

        Louis turned to face inside of the room. "I'm not scared of storms, I just don't particularly like them-" Louis was cute off by a crack of thunder, to which he squeaked at. Then, the others in the room laughed softly as Louis leaned his head back against the wall. "Okay okay, I'm scared of them, I'm gonna sleep so maybe when I wake up the storm will be over." Zayn nodded as he went and opened a closet, grabbing a few pillows and three blankets, then proceeding to toss them at the three who were going to sleep in the living room. 
        Perrie put her pillows on the couch and pulled the blanket over her, Zayn going into his room. Niall and Louis were laying a few feet away from each other, but throughout the night they had eventually turned toward each other. A loud crack of thunder woke Louis up and he covered his mouth from making a sound, feeling tears prick his eyes, he reached for something to grip onto. The thing he found was Niall. Before he knew it, he had his head against the blonde's chest with a blanket covering him, his hands pressed to his ears. Niall didn't notice, being asleep, but Louis fell asleep rather easily in that position.
        The next morning, Zayn had come out of his room and saw everyone, and at first it was normal until he looked again when he came out of the kitchen. He saw both Niall and Louis under a blanket. Slowly he uncovered them and saw Niall's arms wrapped around Louis and chuckled lightly. He covered them back up and walked back into the kitchen, filling up a mug with coffee. On Sunday mornings, Zayn really just lounged around. He might paint a bit, or studied from one of his books. Though today since there was three people, one who happened to be beautiful with her pink hair, in his flat, there'd be something to do. As he was leaning against the kitchen counting, drinking his coffee, Perrie walked in and yawned. Zayn smiled and nodded at her, "Pour yourself a cup if you'd like." 

        Perrie shook her head, "Thanks, but I can't. Coffee makes your teeth have stains and I can't have that." 

        "Oh right, you're going to school for modeling, right?" Perrie only nodded as she hopped onto the counter. "Well..I have some fruit and a blender if you want to make a smoothie? Just you might want to wake the other two before you turn it on." He laughed lightly, putting his mug on the counter. Crouching down, he opened a cabinet and got out a  blender which he set on the counter next to his mug. 

        "They're not awake? I could've sworn I saw Niall's eyes open, and him smiling..but I guess I could be-" She widened her eyes and smiled excitedly, jumping down from the counter "Wait! If Louis wasn't awake but Niall was smiling, maybe he was looking at Louis? Oh my god- what if he likes him?!"

        Zayn set a hand on Perrie's shoulder. "Calm down, Perrie. He might like him, he might not. But don't get all excited if they don't like each other." 

        "Zayn! They were holding hands last night after the movies!" She frowned as she peeked her head out of the kitchen. "They've got to like each other!" She kept the frown on her face as she peeked her head back into the kitchen.

        They heard shuffling towards the kitchen and both put on a neutral a face and started talking about Zayn's classes. Niall appeared in the room with a slight smile. Perrie smirked lightly and looked as Niall as he poured himself a cup of coffee. "Did you sleep well last night, Niall?"

        "Aside from the storm, really good. And yourselves?" They both smiled and in unison said, "Alright." Niall looked at them as he raised his cup to his mouth. "Well that wasn't creepy..maybe Lou was right. You two would make a cute couple." 

        Perrie blushed and Zayn looked down at the ground. "Oh and by the way, don't talk to loud if you don't want anybody to hear you," He smirked and shrugged. "Because I do kinda like him." Perrie squealed lightly and jumped up and down, because of course she was right. 

        Though, Louis was a bit more reserved with his feelings for others. He thought about them in his head, but he got nervous when he tried acting on said feelings. It always happened. Niall on the other hand, wasn't like that, If he liked someone, he would wait for the perfect time to tell them. And so Niall would plan the perfect date for the two of them, he just wasn't sure when. 

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