Chapter Two

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        If there was anything Louis hated more than waking up late, it was waking up late on a Friday when there was a discount for breakfast on campus. He put on a pair of blue sweats and a t-shirt, with Toms and rushed out of the room with his phone. Remembering you need money to pay for food, he ducked back in his room and grabbed his wallet. As he walked to where there was the cafeteria and small franchises on the campus, he unlocked his phone and saw he had ten new messages. Four from Perrie, the other six? From Niall.

From: Perrie Edwards 10:30 PM
Sorry I didn't respond earlier ! Was driving back to campus.

From: Perrie Edwards 10:45 PM 
Zayn keeps texting me and I think I'm doing a terrible job at texting him back..

From: Perrie Edwards 12:00 AM
I sense you're asleep, Louis. You're being no help :(

From: Perrie Edwards 7:38 AM
Are you up yet ? Goodness Lou ! 

He deicded to text her back, laughing softly. 

To: Perrie Edwards 9:32 AM
I was driving/sleeping. Have you texted him back yet? And goodness Perrie! Text the poor guy back!!

And then of course, the other six messages.

From: Niall H. 9:30 PM 
Got your number mate ! 

From: Niall H. 11:23 PM
Please don't tell me you're asleep

From: Niall H 11:25 PM
You're asleep, aren't you ? :(

From: Niall H. 12:03 AM
I'll just talk to you tomorrow then, sweet dreams Louis 

From: Niall H. 12:04 AM
I mean later today, not tomorrow

From: Niall H. 12:06 AM
What's the chance of you just waking up right now and texting me back?

Louis could feel his smile widening as he typed a quick reply to Niall before he went to get food. 

To: Niall H. 9:39 AM
I was asleep and literally just got your messages, I'm sorry! :(

        And with that, Louis slipped his phone into his pocket and got into line with everyone else that wanted food. He'd chosen Starbucks this morning, getting a peppermint mocha and a cinnamon swirl coffee cake. Once he ordered and paid, he found a table to sit at as he scrolled through Twitter for a bit, then texting his mum back on how he was doing and if he needed any money. His mum was the CEO of a large company, so she naturally sent him money when he needed it. He hated asking for it, but when you're broke, what else can you do? 
        He finished his food and coffee a few minutes later, going back to his room and grabbing his bag. He had an english class at ten-thirty and it was only ten at the moment. He could get there early and do some type of work, or he could stay in his room. Considering there was a fifteen minute walk across the campus, he figured he better start walking. Him and Perrie were texting while he walked, and while he sat in class waiting for ten-thirty to roll around. Once it did, he text her that he'd respond after class and tossed his phone into his bag. 
        At the end of all his classes, Louis pulled his phone out only to have one new message. 

        From: Niall H. 10:59 AM
        Sleep makes sense, but I've got a question for you, and it'd be easier to call me maybe ?

        Louis raised an eyebrow. A question that would be better through a call? There was only one way to find out what it was. He took a breath and pressed the green call button next to Niall's name. He was about to hang up on the third ring when Niall picked up. 

        "Sorry..I had to run out of class. But hey, you called!" Niall sounded excited, and Louis could imagine him smiling through the phone.

        "You're in class? I can call you later- I mean, if you want me to, that is"

        "No, I'm good. Learning how to be a teacher gets pretty fucking boring. But anyways, I was going to ask you, this weekend Zayn and I were thinking of meeting up and I wanted to ask if you wanted to come too? Zayn's asking Perrie if she wants to come. But if you don't want to you don't have to-"

        Louis had to interrupt him finally, "Niall, I'll come, I just need to know where." He was making his way to the field slowly, waiting for Niall to respond. Who sounded like he'd hung up. "Um, Niall..?"

        "Sorry, someone walked by. I'll text you and tell you. Let me know if you need a ride! Oh- um- I'll talk to you later, campus security." Then, the line went dead. Louis put his phone into his bag again and went to where the other people on football team were. They hadn't started practice yet, so Louis shrugged off the idea of him being late and set his stuff on the bleachers, going over to socialize before practice. There was only one person he was actually friends with on the team, and that was Liam. Aside from Louis, he was probably the best player on the team.
        Practice wasn't exactly long that day since there weren't any games coming up, so Louis headed back to his room and was checking his phone for the place he would be meeting up with Zayn, Niall, and Perrie. IT wasn't too far from where he was, so that was pretty good, right? Not a super long drive. They were going to go out to eat and then possibly catch a movie. Louis thought Niall had texted him saying they would watch Toy Story 3, but he couldn't sure. There were a lot of messages between then and now. They'd been texting since Louis was out of football practice. Two messages though, were Louis' absolute favorite.

        From: Niall H. 8:46 PM
        I'm pretty sure you'd look good sweaty ;)

        From: Niall H. 8:47 PM
        I mean, football. I like watching football on the tele.

        He thought Niall was being flirty, because if someone tells you that you'd look good sweaty, would it not mean the at least might have a crush on you? Louis shrugged it off as he put his phone on the charger and grabbed a pair of boxers, bright red sweats, and a v-neck t-shirt. He was going to take a shower since both Niall and Perrie had stopped texting him for the moment. He went into the bathroom that was attached to his room and turned on the shower, watching the steam rise and fog the mirror up. He got in and did what everyone does in a shower, wash his hair and his body.
        By the time he was done it was almost ten o'clock pm. He hadn't realized it, but he'd stood in the shower and just..thought. Thought about if he had feelings for Niall, thought if him and Zayn would be friends, and thought about how Perrie was doing with Zayn. He got out and ruffled his hair and put the clothes he'd brought in and stepped out of the bathroom. His phone showed only one new message.

        [Group Text] Perrie Edwards, Niall H., Unknown number, you.
        From: Perrie Edwards 9:02 PM ; You guys alright if we meet up in Liverpool ? There's a mall here with restaurants and a cinema. They've got a bunch of showings for TS 3 !

        From: Unknown number 9:05 PM ; Anywhere is cool with me as long as I don't have to drive much. No $ for gas atm.

        From: Perrie Edwards 9:06 PM ; You live in Liverpool ?

        From: Niall H. 9:09 PM ; If you both live there and haven't met, I'm smacking you two.

        From: Unknown number 9:10 PM ; Horan, no need for violence mate

        And there weren't any messages after that, and it was now 10:01 PM. 

        To: Perrie Edwards, Unknown number, Niall H. 10:01 PM ; I'm good with driving to Liverpool. May take me a bit though since I'm in Manchester.

        And that was the last text that he sent before he ended up falling asleep watching a game on the small TV in his room.

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