Chapter One

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        A college fair. How many colleges were here today? Somewhere around one hundred maybe? Four rows of at least twenty five, so yes, around one hundred. Louis Tomlinson wandered around, looking at the other booths as they set up their things. Pens were being set out along with some cards and their logo on a table cover. Music, sports, theatre, beauty. There was probably any college you could think of here. He had memorized where his table was where his professor for maths was. He was told to just be there once the community started rolling in.
        Though, Louis wasn't exactly sure when people would start coming in. Some of the colleges weren't even there yet. For example, when he first got there in the morning carrying a box of cards and pens, along with a few booklets, there was two empty tables on one side of him, but the one right next to him, a girl with pink hair was putting a few things up. There were modeling logos, so he only assumed that's what she was studying to be. A model.  But no, Louis wasn't interested in her, he liked the other gender, guys. But anyways, some people weren't even here. Needless to say, he went back to his table anyways to help put up a few last things. 

        As he went and stood behind the table, talking to his professor about the night's homework, a blonde guy walked next to him briefly and set a table cover on the table that was in front of him. He had blue eyes and his hair was blonde, but you could see slight brown roots. 'He's cute..' Louis thought in his head, causing him to block out anything he was hearing. His professor tapped his shoulder and Louis suddenly blinked. "Uhm, what? I'm sorry, I blanked out for a bit..." staring at a cute guy that wasn't even a full twenty feet from him.

        "That's quite alright, Louis. Just ask someone in the class, yeah?" Louis nodded. "Alright then, I see a few professors around us that I know, so I'll be back, watch the table, make sure nothing gets taken! Those pens are high quality!" Which really wasn't true. The pens probably costed a dollar or so each, the only thing special about them was that they had the college's name printed on them. Louis was busy, bent down and shoving a under the table when he felt a tap on his shoulder. Getting up, he hit his head and flinched slightly. "Ouch.." He rubbed where he hit and stood up, seeing the blonde guy standing there with a light smile.

        "I thought your professor said to make sure no one takes a pen," He spoke with an Irish accent and twirled a pen in between his fingers. "Because you kinda suck at that, mate."

        Louis looked down at where the pens were, noticing there had been one missing. "Well when you hit your head, I guess it's not so easy," Louis laughed softly and extended his hand. "M'Louis, Louis Tomlinson." The Irish boy took his hand and shook it slowly, and just then, Louis swore he felt a spark. "The name's Niall Horan. 'M studying to become a teacher. What're ya studying?"

        He'd been asked that question so many times. He honestly didn't know. "Haven't decided quite yet. I'm just taking my generals right now." He shrugged and released his now sweaty -from nerves- hand from the blonde guy- Niall. from Niall's hand. Niall almost said something before he was taken back by someone talking to him about also being a teacher. He saw people coming in slowly and put on a smile, ready to talk about his college.



        His professor said he could go get lunch, he went to the Starbucks coffee that was in the same building. While he was there, he saw the girl that was next to him and found out her name is Perrie. And she is indeed, a model. Or becoming one. As those two sat down at a small table with wraps and coffee -a peppermint mocha for him, since of course, that's the best thing to get during December- and smiled, talking. Perrie pointed a dark haired guy out and he was walking with Niall..then Niall saw Louis and dragged the other guy over with him. Niall and the guy got coffees and sat with them, introducing themselves. The dark haired guy, he was Zayn. 

        "Well, m'Louis and this is Perrie." He smiled and shook Zayn's hand, then watching as Zayn and Perrie did the same. Those two didn't talk much to each other, but all Niall and Louis did during lunch was talk.

        Louis had barely even gotten a bite of his wrap into his mouth, just small pecks. "..and there was a time that my brother-" Greg, Niall was talking about him quite a lot. "-tried to shove some food up his nose and no lies, he had to be taken to the hospital. I swear, I'm younger but at least I don't stick food up the place where I breathe!" Louis laughed and nodded, noticing that Perrie and Zayn had left the table and were at their own college tables.

        "I'd love to stay and talk, Niall..but I've got to return to my table. I don't want my professor going solo." He laughed lightly as Niall nodded.

        "No problem, mate. But um, here's my number, ya know, just in case you want to talk again." Niall smiled and wrote his number on Louis' hand. "Oh and, here's your pen back." Niall slipped the pen into Louis' hand and smiled more, walking away. Louis was blushing like crazy as he approached his table again. "Louis! You're back! Would you like to tell these young men about what it's like going here?" Louis nodded quickly and slipped the pen on the table. "Of course! Now, let me start about the classes..."

        The fair came to an end a few hours later and Louis was packing things into a box when Perrie came to his table and showed him her wrist, which now had a messy number on it. "So while you and the blondie went about talking, Zayn and I got more coffee and, he gave me his number..does that mean he's interested in me?" Louis was about to answer when, "Wait, he's coming over. Oh noo.." Her voice trailed off as she began gathering everything and rushing to talk to the person she'd came with. Louis assumed it was he professor of course. Louis laughed softly and lifted the box he had and walked to catch up with his professor to get back to campus. They'd probably arrive around eleven at night seeing as there was traffic at eight at night. Plus, they were quite a few hours from London.
        And of course, Louis had texted Niall just so they had each other's numbers. He also got Perrie's number, but not Zayn's. So he'd decided to text Perrie quickly too before he started driving. He was driving first because apparently he as going to drive the first half, and his professor would drive the second half.
As he drove, he would occasionally sing to the music or hum, tapping his fingers in the steering wheel. Then, when he wasn't driving, he was sleeping, classes were the next day after all. He caught himself having dreams about Niall, nothing more than a friendly dream. They were laughing and talking, just like friends. Niall probably didn't even like Louis like that, he was probably straight. but that wouldn't explain why he could've swore he saw Niall looking at his lips. Maybe he was imaging things? Well, whatever it was, he was woken up by a terrible parking job and his teacher shaking him softly. "Louis, you need some sleep, no? Go on up to your dorm. I've got to get these boxes back to my classroom. I'll see you tomorrow!" Louis nodded and said goodnight to him before going back to his dorm and taking his shirt off, and replacing his skinny jeans with sweatpants, flopping into his bed and falling asleep.

A/N; So what do you guys think of the prequel so far? I'm thinking of still updating this and It's Happening, Again, but the updates for this one will be a little slower since I've got to come up with cute ideas and etc. And Louis is going to school in Manchester, and Niall is going in Leeds. Zayn and Perrie are each going in Liverpool. Please comment if you have any cute date stories / cute ways you got with your boyfriend/girlfriend and they might be in here. I really need ideas! Also, if you have any questions for me, feel free to comment them. I'd love to answer some questions from you guys! -Julie

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