Chapter 1

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7 years later~
Bianca POV

"Ry'Mell what are you doing?" I yelled after hearing a crash from his room.

I hear footstep running into my room.

"Mommy I am not doing nothing I was just using the bathroom and then I kinda spilled my body wash on the floor" I kissed my teeth. "I am so sorry mommy, I didn't mean to." I sighed and got up.

"It's okay come on let's clean it up." I laid Ka'mari in her crib.

We went into his room and I picked up the bottle and we wiped up the mess.

"Mom I am hungry." Ry'Mell said and I nodded.

"Let me check on your sister then we can go." He ran downstairs. "stop running baby before you hurt yourself."

"Okay mommy." He yelled.

I went in to ka'mari room and turn on the baby monitor and went downstairs and turned on the other monitor.

"What do you want baby?" I kissed him and his cheek and he smiled.

"Sandwich and chips please."

"Okay." I grabbed everything I needed and started making his sandwich and I cut the of the crust and sliced it diagonally and put some chips on his plate and gave it to him.

" I grabbed everything I needed and started making his sandwich and I cut the of the crust and sliced it diagonally and put some chips on his plate and gave it to him

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I smiled at the message.

"Mommy can I get some juice please?" I nodded and we and gave him a juice box.

"Where is dad?" He asked caught in a trance Staring at the juice.

"He is on his way but it's almost you nap time but he will probably get here before hopefully, why?" I asked and he shrugged.

"I don't know just asking." He shrugged

Mari started crying.

"Hey do not touch the door and stay right here." He nodded not even really paying me any mind.

I ran upstairs.

"What is wrong with mommy's baby" I picked her up "why is the cutie baby crying?" I rocked her back and forth and she stop crying and poked out her lip and I kissed her repeatedly until she started giggling.

"Come on mommy's baby." I walked down stairs and put her in her play pin "Mell are you okay?" I walked in the kitchen.

"Yes mommy." He pushed his plate away. "Im is done." I helped him down and he ran off into the living room and I cleaned up his mess

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