Chapter 18

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Anthony POV

"You are weird!" Gabby yelled and I laughed.

"How am I weird?" I laughed propping my phone up. "Slide through tho."

"I am coming and I don't want none of your friends there because I don't feel like having on a shirt." She look into the camera.

"Alright." She smiled at the camera and I laughed. "why you smiling so hard?" I asked.

"Because I can finally be me around you cause you don't act like a pervert and you are so nice and sweet." I smiled "you are so awesome." She giggled.

"Thank you and so are-" I heard so body knock on the door. "Hurry up and get here. I am gone hang up somebody in knocking on the door."

"Okay bye see you soon."

"Bye see you soon and get here safe." she kissed the camera and hung up.

"That's my fucking baby." I hopped up and started dancing my way to the door and my smile immediately dropped. "Why are you here?"

"I am pregnant and there is a chance you are the dad." I looked at her in disbelief.

"What how far along are you Amanda." I sighed. "Come in." She came in and sat on the couch.

"3 months." I sighed in relief.

"Oh well he or she ain't mine we fucked two months ago." I looked at her and she shook her head.

"You can get a DNA test if that what you want but I know you are the father." She argued.

"If we do that then I am the father of all y'all kids." I laughed.

"What do you mean all my kids this the first we fucked."

"I ain't mean it like that." I shook my head.

"Well what did you mean?"

"Me and um what's his name again Mar- no Matthew are identical twins with identical DNA you know what that means right." She sighed

"Well I know-"

"Well I know you are fucking crazy and we didn't fuck three months ago and you gotta bounce." I stood up and she grabbed me .

"Baby no I just- I am not pregnant I just." I pushed her off me. "Just please I miss you." She tried to kiss me.

"Girl if you don't get the fuck." I curved the fuck outta her. "You in here acting like a crackhead you gotta go." She pushed me on the couch.

"Fuck me." She got on top of me and I stood up and carefully put her down.

"Listen I don't know why you acting crazy right now. I am confused as fuck but you need to pull it together." I grabbed her bag and past it to her.

"Anthony-ah just come on." She the rim of my short and I held them up.

"You acting crazy about dick." I looked at her shock. "No homo but me and my brother are identical twins his shit just like mine so..." She kept tugging at my shit.

"No it's not if it was I would never be here." She sighed getting on her knees.

"Aye aye get up get up." I pulled her up. "You got five seconds before I yell rape." I laughed at the sound of me saying that.

"Just fuck me." She whined rubbing my chest and shit "I need you." She bit her lip.

"Uht Nope. Come on. Gotta go." I pulled her to the door and she started tryna get outta of my grip. "Stop girl! What the fuck is wrong with you?" I looked at her like she was crazy.

"You are what is wrong with me! I need you and you don't want me!" She yelled. "Just give me what I want and I will leave you alone."

Her phone started ringing and I reached in her bag and gave it to her.

"Hello... no baby why would you say that... I am on my way... I just went to get some food... yeah you know I gotta keep myself filled up." She snatched her bag ad I walked her to the door and she walked out and I closed the door.

"Damn my shit ain't even all that." I laughed to myself. "She was tryna get filled up alright." I fixed my shorts and started straightening up my house waiting for gabby to show up.

Somebody knocked on the door and I raced to open it.

"Hey baby." She smiled at me and I started cheesing.

"Hey babe." I kissed her.

"I brought food." She held it up.

"Awe thank you." I hugged her and picked her up and close the door and she kissed me.

"Anthony you don't have to pick me up every second." She laughed and I sat on the couch and she sat chris cross in my lap.

"You are so cute I can't help it." She laughed and covered her face. "How was your day?" She sighed.

"Today was stressful as alway and i almost had to curse the girl out because she came in my store tryna steal. Girl it's not that serious I would've let you have it if you asked and explained why you can't afford it." I nodded. "I would never say no to someone in need or less fortunate than me. I mean you cant have everything but I would gave you a shirt and a pair a pants. Then I had a shoot yesterday and they had me in there with all these mean skinny girls. Everytime I turned around they were saying something mean. I felt bad because they didn't even give me a chance to even introduce myself. I am not the prettiest but I am worth it." I sighed.

"Baby you are so beautiful. You body is so perfect. I love every part of it and my favorite part is your stomach. You are the most prettiest and adorable girl I ever seen. You are so nice and you are funny and they are probably mad that they eat one Cheerio to stay fit and your thick ass still stunted on they ass." She smiled and nodded. "So don't feel bad some people just are mean and nasty and you can't pay them any mind baby." She nodded and kissed me.

"You wanna go somewhere with me on my birthday?" She smiled and got up and gave me my food. Sat back in her spot.

"Yes, where did you wanna go?" I shrugged.

"Outta country."

"Yes and I just got my passport!" she squealed. "How about you let me take you somewhere for you birthday?" I shook my head.

"It fine I can just pay for us-"

"No baby you are tryna get a house and all this. You shouldn't have to pay for you own birthday." I was finna protest but she put her finger out. "There is no point in wasting your breath. I am not changing my mind."

"Oh okay." I laughed and started eating.

"October 4th" I nodded

"How you know" she shrugged

"I don't know I guess and I was gonna say first but then that would be to cliche." She eat a spoon full of rice I laughed. "plus you act like a Libra."

"When is your birthday?"

"May 28." She smiled. "I am a Gemini." I nodded.

"You are so fucking cute!" I yelled and she jumped and I started laughed. "I am sorry baby."

"I wasn't expecting that." She laughed.

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