Chapter 3

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Monty POV

"Kayce lets go baby!" I yelled from the bottom of the steps.

"I am coming." She came down the step pouting.

"Your mom said it time to come home you can come back on the weekend." She sent me a slight smile.

"Okay." She sighed. "I do miss Kaycen." She skipped to the front door and sat down and put on her shoes.

"Mama I will be right back I am gonna drop her off and get Anthony."

"Okay baby be careful and safe out there." I pecked her lips until I felt satisfied. "I love you."

"I love you more baby. please drive safe." She looked me in my eyes.

"I will baby I promise." I kissed her again.

"Daddy I am done!" Kayce yelled

"Daddy can I come." Ry'mell said and I grabbed his hand

"Baby I got Mell with me!" I yelled.

"Okay baby!" She yelled back and I opened the door for them and watched them get situated and I hopped in pulled off to Seeks house.

"Dad what age can I have I boyfriend?" I kissed my teeth I have been trying to avoid this shit.

"Why baby?" I asked and I felt my self get sad like I really wanted to fucking cry.

"Because I like this boy named Devon and I think he likes me back and I don't know if I can have a boyfriend." I felt like if I said anything else I would cry.

"Baby no... I thought we had this all planned out...." I whined. "We said when you turn 16 you can have a boyfriend then when daddy feel comfortable enough to talk about the fucking bees and birds or what the hell ever then that's the next step" I looked back her in the mirror and she laughed

"Dad but I didn't know Devon when I said that. Things don't always go as planned."

"How bout y'all started off being friends and get to know eachother and then y'all can be all cuffed up when yall turn 16 and I don't wanna see no kissing no touching, I don't even wanna see him hug you okay."

"Okay dad we can be friends then bestfriends and the wife and husband."

"Woah first of all you getting to deep like relax I just hope you know daddy loves you and you are beautiful and you can tell me any and everything okay daddy loves you so much he won't even get mad at you." I smiled at her.

"You promise?" She held out her pink and I pinky promised with her.

"Promise." I pulled at to Seek house and helped them out the car.

I knocked on the door.

"Hey Montrell." Erica hugged me.

She look like she been crying.

"Wussup" I walked in and the kids took off. "Mell you got five minutes."

"Okay dad." He yelled and I sat on the catch and I patted the seat beside me and Erica sat down.

"Tell me what's going on." I sighed and she instantly dropped her smile and her head.

"It's nothing just been stressed out and stuff." She quickly wiped her eyes.

"Tell me what's wrong." I repeated myself

"Well it's this girl and I guess seek had been fucking on her and everyday it's something like I just been tryna chill and be a good girlfriend and mom but it's something everyday like her sending me videos everyday talking bout she gone put them on Instagram and text messages and DMs and shit like he acting like it's not gonna effect him and it is and our kid have Instagram and Kayce too so its like I wouldnt want them to see it like the shit she send me is so fucking just ugh like I can't Montrell. I know i did my dirt but this is too much for me. I know I have You and B but I feel like he is turning so cold and mean to me. When he is the one that's doing wrong." She paused and broke down crying and I hugged her for a little and pulled away. "I am being strong for my kids but damn I know this may be my karma but damn." She wiped her face.

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