Chapter 13

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Bianca POV

"Mommy wake up." Rymell shook me.
I sat up and let me body wake up.

"I am hungry mommy." He hugged me.

"Okay let mommy get ready and I'll come make breakfast." He jumped off my bed and flew out the room.

I got up and jumped in the shower and brushed my teeth.

Bri is coming over today to do my hair.

I started making the breakfast and stuff and I went upstairs to check on Kamari and she was laying in her crib starring up.

Now I don't play that shit they said babie see shit we don't.

"Come on." I picked her up and brought her downstairs and put her high chair up and sat her in it and I gave her Honey Nut Cheerios and made her bottle.

"Daddy!" Rymell yelled. "I missed you."

"I missed you too little man. Where is mommy?"

I step in the doorway and he smiled at me and put rymell down.

"Hey mama." He kissed me.

"Hey baby."

"How was ya run?" He sighed.

"Long and tiring that shit was too much." He hopped on the counter beside Kamari. "Hey dada baby" he cooed at her and she started giggling and I handed him her bottle.

"What happened?" I asked. "Rymell come eat."

"Jay was in that bitch finna cry on some dumb shit I had to pop that nigga in his mouth like he was a little ass kid. I was finna break that nigga face like fuck is your bitch ass crying for."

"Nigga." Rymell said and Monty just stared at him.

"What I tell you about saying that word?" I asked.

"It's a bad word." I sighed

"Okay so why do you think it is okay to keep saying that?" He shrugged "Come here." He got up and hesitated to walk over to me and soon ass he got to me I popped him in his mouth and he started crying. "Now go in your room until I call you back down."

He walked off.

"You better stop fucking cursing in front of him or I am gone pop you tf next!" I snapped.

"Girl I will pop your ass right now." He fired back. "Who the fuck you talking to?"

"You! Punk ass!" he sat Kamari back in her and got up walking towards me.

"Aye stop fucking playing yourself!" he snapped "I am not rymell or Kamari or Kayce." I shrugged.

"I don't give a fuck!" I yelled "I will fuck you up just like you are one of them!"

"You better watch yourself." He laughed.

"Or what?!" I yelled and grabbed me by my neck.

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