Chapter 19

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Bianca POV
"Mommy I wanna go to the park with Auntie Erica." I sighed.

"We gotta see if she is going to the park." He nodded. "I am going call her and you pull out your home work and let's get it done." He nodded.

"Baby, you ready for tomorrow?" I nodded

"Yes I am so excited to do a photoshoot and stuff." I smiled.

"I am ready to see your sexy ass waltz around in them beautiful clothes looking all good and shit."


"If you say it I am going kick your ass." I looked at Rymell and he nodded.

"My Bad. Mell man you cant say everything dad say okay." Monty sat in front of him and he nodded. "You know right from wrong so you will get in trouble is that understood." he nodded.

"I am sorry." He pouted.

"Hey hey you aren't getting trouble. We just wanna make sure you understand bad behavior come with a consequences." Monty got up and hugged him. "Don't say I am sorry say I apologize okay."

I pulled out the stuff I needed to cook his lunch and dinner.

"Let's do your homework." I heard Monty say.

"Papa you want some lunch?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yes please." I nodded at him.

I made them a sandwich and chips and past it to them and gave them some juice.

"Where Anthony?" I asked. "I ain't see him in a week and a half and I miss my brother."

"He busy securing his love." Monty laughed.

"With who?" I asked.

"I don't know some girl who gave him her number at the club." I nodded.

"While I am happy for him but he need to come see me ASAP." Monty laughed.

My phone dinged.

"Baby look

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"Baby look." I tossed Monty my phone and he started laughing.

"You are funny as fuck." He passed it back. "It's Trey tho." I nodded.

"So what we gone do about it?" He yawned.

"I am gone have to keep my promise." He shrugged and I smiled at him. "Nigga must still think I am that scared to shoot ass little nigga,I was back then."

"Yes baby I love when you talk like that." He laughed. "That is so sexy." He got up and kissed me and back me up against the counter and I kissed him with lust.

"Woah baby." He laughed. "Rymell you done?" We looked at him.

"Yes." He got up.

"Go take your nap." Montrell told him and he ran upstairs. "You have tunnel vision so bad baby."

"I wasn't gonna fuck you in front of him it was just a kiss." He laughed. "I love you." I kissed him.

"I love you too." Kamari started crying and Monty rushed upstairs.

"Right on time." I sighed. "How am I gonna get dick under these circumstances?"

"You got dick this morning." Monty walked holding Kamari.

"That is not enough." I sighed. "I think I am a sex addict." He laughed.

"I know." He shrugged. "I love it and I love to satisfy you." He kissed me.

"I need help." He laughed.

"I will help you tonight okay. You gotta wait today we don't have time for a quickie that is all but I am gonna make up for it tonight." I nodded.

Somebody knocked on the door.

I rushed to get it.

"Anthony!" I squealed "I missed you!" I hugged him.

"I missed you too!" He laughed and squeezed me super tight. "I always feel welcomed in this house."

"Always." I laughed.

We walked to the kitchen.

"Monty I fucked up." He sighed

"What you do?" Monty looked annoyed. "Nigga you just started chilling with her don't tell me you fucked Erica."

"What?" Anthony looked at Monty like he was crazy. "No man I fucked A..." he slurred on his last words

"Who? Nigga stop playing." Monty laughed.

"Amanda." He said and me and Monty looked at each other and bust out laughing.

"Nigga when?" We said at the same time.

"Like two months ago and she won't stop acting crazy." He sighed. "She gone show up the other day talking about she pregnant and then I was like all her kids are mine if we take a DNA test because me and um..."


"Yeah him are Identical twins and have Identical DNA then she like I am not pregnant I am lying I just need you and all this bullshit. She is texting me naked pictures and all the shit and you know I am not a nudes guy and she is just driving me crazy."

"First of all calm the fuck down and second block her and avoid her." Monty asked. "You must of hit that magic button bro."

"What you mean?" He asked and Monty laughed.

"See that is why you going through what you are going through you can't just fuck the shit outta every bitch. You can make a bitch cum and not hit that button. Man cause once you hit that button it's always gone be that thought in the back of her head like I want it I want it I need it I need it and that's how you get the crazy bitch." we all laughed. "I made that mistake a couple of times." I nodded.

"Yes he did." they laughed. "But with me... Them bitches ACT crazy I am really with all the shit so once he hit this magic button it was over for any bitch that thought they had a chance with him." I shrugged and they laughed. "Will beat a bitch up and then beat him up for tricking that bitch into thinking she had a chance cause that is not nice."

"You gone have a problem outta her until somebody fuck her better then you." Monty said and Anthony sighed. "Now you gotta finds somebody to do her dirty and block her."

"Can you do it?"

"Anthony I will fucking kill you!" I laughed. "Play with me if you want."

"Sike I am fucking with yall." He laughed.

I turned on the oil and seasoned the fish and put it in flour and let it sit til the oil got hot.

"So tell me about your new girl" I said

"Shr is so beautiful and amazing." He smiled. "I am not gone let myself fall to deep and sit. She is so fire though and she got her own business and she do shit on the side and she can cook and alway smell like candy and Fabric soften and her skin is so beautiful." I laughed.

"Awe so sounds so nice." I coed. "We need to acknowledge that you fall very very fast and you get attached very quickly but so do I so its no judgement." He nodded.

"I know and I am tryna control myself but it's not working." He laughed. "I am tryna build a wall but it like if I put two bricks down she knocks down ten and I am loving it. We been hanging out everyday for a week and we been texting and FaceTiming since the day I showed you." He pointed to Monty and Monty nodded.

"That is so good!" I squealed and he laughed. "I am so excited for you."

"Thank you." He laughed.

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