Chapter 14

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Erica POV

I pulled up to the restaurant that Steven invited me to talk and I hopped out and walked in and nobody was there but Steven.

"Hey." He sighed.

"Wussup" I sat my bag down and sat down beside it "please tell me we eating and not just here to talk" he laughed a little and ring the bell and a lady walked up to us

"I am Ashley and I will be your waiter today." She sat our menus in front of us. "Can I start you guys off with Drinks?"

"Pepsi." She nodded at me.

"Sprite." She nodded.

"Okay so let's start talking." I said and he nodded.

"I wanna start off by saying I sincerely apologize for the things that I said to you before you left. They were way out of line and showed a lack of respect for you as the mother of my child." He sighed.

" I am not just going to except the apology. I need you to know that what you said to me really got to me. It is not the first time you were saying these things to me. OK I understand I was a rebound from my mom like you don't have to say that every time we get in a fight. You did me wrong! You always expect me to stay with you and I'm not doing that and when you realize I was done you showed your true feelings or what ever. I am used to you putting me down it's like oh I am sad blah blah but at the end of the day. Does it really effect me anymore nah not really but you talk about my son and you said you wished or wanted or whatever the fuck you said me to have miscarriage-"

"I didn't mean it-

"Yes the fuck you did bro don't try to bullshit me the fuck is wrong with you!" I snapped.

"I didn't I just wanted you to hurt how I was hurting."

"I was already fucking hurt that's why I was leaving you fucking ass wipe!" I yelled. "Why do you think it is okay to stoop so low to try to hurt me I would never do that to you be because I fucking love you Steven."

"I know and I am so sorry." He sighed.

"And she is pregnant." I cringed at the sound of that.

"What?" He looked lost. "She is not pregnant."

"That bitch is texting my son and shit pictures of pregnancy test like I don't know what is wrong with that bitch but she is finna get killed playing with my kids Steven." He sighed.

"I am done with her and everything that comes with her." He sighed and Ashley sat our drinks in front of us and took our order.

"I don't wanna seem weak or anything because I am not but damn Steven why?" I played with my straw focusing on not crying. "I would never do you like this." I saw him get up and he lifted me up out my seat and pulled me into a hug and I couldn't hold in my emotions anymore.

"I am so sorry baby." He kissed my forehead.

"Steven I love you so much and I hate it." He swayed back and fourth.

"I love you too." he lift my head up with his index finger and he kissed me.

I missed this I need this I crave this.

Anthony POV

I rubbed my eyes and raced down the steps to answer the door.

"Who is it?" I yelled.

"Manda." I sighed.

"What- what's wrong?" My face softened seeing also though she was crying.

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