00 -- oceans sizzling with flames

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WREN STONEM was burning. She knew she was when she felt the heat swirl inside her veins, when she felt her heart beat in her face, as if she were on the verge of exploding into millions of pieces of ash. She was waiting for the day were she really did simply burst into flames, a trepidation sinking into her skin whenever she felt the warmth all over again, day after day.

   The flames had brought her against the world, and the world went against Wren. That is precisely why Hogwarts was questioning bringing her back another year, specifically for her final year at Hogwarts. The girl had set a first year's cloaks on fire, simply because that particular blonde had been absolutely obnoxious, and Wren had been bored. But she supposed it might not have been worth it considering the fact she was now being forced to walk to her mother's cold, dreary office for a. . . deserving lecture. With a sharp intake of breath, and a roll of her ebony eyes, the brunette harshly knocked on her mother's black painted, wooden door, as sleek and shiny as ever. Most of the house looked this way, as if it were dipped into the dark abyss of the ocean where only the most mysterious creatures swam in.

   "Come in," Her mother's familiar sharp, lecturing voice ordered, and Wren could almost imagine the look on her mother's face. And, the seventeen year old proved to be right when she was met with the face of the woman, one of her slitted eyebrows raised up in disappointment, as her red painted lips tugged down into a frown. Wren almost scoffed.

"Well?" Meera Stonem prodded annoyingly. She had already been mad at her daughter for not joining the Death Eater's yet, as she was the last of their pure bloodline, and Meera would be damned if she let her daughter waste that precious blood.

   "You're the one who called me in here, Mother," Wren smirked, that familiar, yet particular mischievous and evil glint in her eye that only the Stonem girl could achieve. The formula probably being a big ego, a stone cold heart and just being a general bitch all around.

   "You're the one who set a girl's cloaks on fire, a pureblood's cloaks on fire! You better have a spectacular explanation or I swear-," Wren cut her mother off before she could continue.

   "You know, I used to respect you until I found out you were the Dark Lord's bitch," the daughter spat, a anger swirling inside the gold flecks of her eyes. The familiar heat coursing through her like molten lava, ready to spew from her mouth. Her mother looked at her in absolute horror, as if she were just waiting to pick her apart, like she was a star taped onto the night sky that could easily be pricked off and crumbled. The two never broke stare —— never blinked —— as if they were waiting for the aftermath of the girl's words. For, Lord Voldemort was looming in the shadows at every turn now, watching and planning with snake like eyes and a serpent tongue. He was poison, and the deadly serum inked all of his blind followers, including Meera Stonem.

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