11. . .sun and sea

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WREN STONEM was born to fight. She was born to lick the flames and come out unharmed. She was a ticking time bomb with hungry eyes and sharp words, and she was done letting people harm her and those she loved. She was done writhing in pain, drowning in sorrow and she was done grieving for those who would never come back. Wren was done pretending like she had no love left in her soul, done with pretending like she was some horrible monster because she wasn't. There were still people worth saving, still people worth living or dying for and Wren Stonem was done acting as though she wasn't worth saving either.

She was just a kid who was forced to grow up without any guidance.

But Wren knew now. She knew that her redemption, her way back to the old little girl who held smiles and summer days in her emerald eyes was here. She could save the one's she loved, the only people she had ever loved. Regulus and Severine. She didn't have to hurt them anymore, didn't have to act like she could never be human again because a monster had decided she was prey. Because the truth was, if she let that poison consume her, she was letting Voldemort win. She was letting the Dark Lord hurt even more of the people that she loved.

Wren Stonem would not allow the Dark Lord to tear apart anymore of her family. She wont let the nightmares that have consumed her since that Christmas day break apart her wings, she wouldn't let people drag her down anymore.

Wren Stonem was spreading her wings once again, and soon she'd take down all those who had hurt the one's she loved. The brunette was done pretending she had a superficial heart because that was a lie. So, as the seventeen year old shot away with her nimble fingers laced around her throat, her lungs desperately gasping for air as a sheen of sweat laced her forehead, she knew that it was truly time for the fight to brew.

In her dream (or nightmare), she remembered screaming. Familiar screams of pain that had made sobs rack Wren's entire frame, as if she were a leaf caught in a violent wind. It had been Regulus's cries of pain, his desperate gasps of air as something consumed him. The girl knew it was stupid, that she shouldn't be walking to the boy's dorms (she wasn't even allowed in, but there was no spell to block her from getting in) but Wren knew now that nothing was just dreams anymore. That they had never been just dreams, because everything that went on in Wren Stonem's head went into the Dark Lord's, and perhaps that was both her weakness and her strength.

"Reg- Regulus!" Wren cried, her voice a harsh whisper as she desperately tried to stir him awake. Something was going to happen, something bad. The pale, lanky boy shot up from his feathered mattress, an incredulous look in his eyes as he tried to take in his surroundings from cloudy vision. And then, all he saw was her emerald, and all she saw were golden specks. Something was squeezing her throat, her heart beating in her face as she stared at the boy she still loved. But, Wren knew it wasn't fair. To break his heart and still love him, but she had been scared. Terrified of her own reflection, and if she hadn't been able to live with herself, how could she have done that with someone else?

Sun & Sea ― Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now