13. . .the death of a star

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   TWO YEARS HAD GONE BY SINCE THE CAVE. And the tortured souls that were Regulus Black and Wren Stonem had felt at ease. They had found a hiding spot in a cabin, grew a garden and gazed at the stars at night. Two years filled with bliss, and happiness, and love. Pure, honest love that held no venom, no poison. And Wren Stonem had almost felt like she had gotten over the cave, had beat the horcrux inside her, gotten over her past in those three years, but she should've known good things don't last forever. Good things are passing things, and Wren was starting to think that forever was for memories instead of people.

   During their second year, Wren Stonem danced in Regulus Black's arms, an emerald sundress incasing her body as her chin rested against his chest. A nervous but giddy smile played at her lips as the slow song became slightly bitter sweet, getting onto her knee. "Ghost Boy, you are my best friend and the love of my life, and you've changed me in so many ways, I hope I give you even half the feelings you give me. . .so, I guess- would you like to marry me?" Wren smiled, as Regulus felt tears pooling from his eyes. The boy nodded, gently pulling the girl up from where she stood as he pulled her into a deep, affectionate kiss, as if he could perfume her soul with all the love he felt for her. And, as he looks at it from the future, he wish he could have. He wished he could've perfumed her in good things so they could wash away the bad, but that would have just been hiding from it. And if Regulus Black knew Wren Stonem, it was that she couldn't just ignore things because they were inconvenient for her or couldn't be seen.

   People say you have one specific memory you always go back to. Wren Stonem was Regulus Black's memory.

   A month later they got married in their home, considering it might have been a bit too dangerous to have a reception with the Dark Lord still out to get them, but they didn't need anyone to be witness to their love. They already knew how much they meant to each other. And then, a month after that Regulus Black heard the news of his brother having a baby girl, the mother had tragically passed suddenly but Sirius wouldn't spare details, couldn't bring himself to talk about it, and for once the brother's came together again for a little girl with doe eyes and a bubbly smile. Of course, good things never seemed to last for Wren Stonem and Regulus Black because one year later, death and destiny finally went hand in hand.

   Lily and James Potter died. Harry Potter became the boy who lived and Sirius was sent to Azkaban for crimes Regulus was sure he didn't commit. The baby girl, Annora Black is sent into their care, and they cared for her as much as a withering girl and drowning boy could. But things, bad things, we're beginning to cloud Wren Stonem, because when Lord Voldemort died, she was supposed to die too. And, well, it seemed she truly did because whenever the girl would look in reflections or into running water, she'd see his face. And Wren truly tried to keep her meltdowns to a minimum for the sake of the people she loved, but she was starting to fall apart at the seams. Wren's fire was finally extinguishing and Regulus Black didn't want to believe it.

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