05. . .confessions from a dying star

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   WREN WAS attached to nothing, but connected to everything. She had a clingy soul, but a dead heart, and slowly she was just becoming another broken girl that fell from the sun and plummeted to Earth. She was getting pretty tired, though, with life and all the road blocks it threw at her without mercy. Or, maybe it was just her mind that was tired with all the thoughts she refused to say out loud. Thoughts that consumed her, and instead of letting them out for relief they ate at her insides and turned her hollow. Either way, Wren Stonem had never really felt okay. She'd always been a butterfly with only three wings, and no room for a big heart.

    Aches ran up her body, like electric currents as her head slowly rose from the plush pillow it had once rested upon. The sun was peaking through the colored window panes, a small rainbow coruscating onto the tile, golden floors of the Hospital Wing. Wren couldn't remember the last time she had a full night sleep, but her body clearly was not used to it as her bones creaked with every movement she tried to pursue. Before she could fully understand her surroundings, two hands pushed her shoulders back down, causing her head to thump back down onto the comforter as her hair fell around her as if it were a halo.

    "En, lay back down right now! You had me worried sick!" The familiar voice of Severine Prime spoke, as Wren finally met the girl's seemingly tired eyes. Violet hues had started to stain her pretty skin, and concern and guilt finally drowned the Stonem.

    "Sev, you need sleep! Did you even get any?" She asked quickly, her tired eyes widening in a disarray. Her mind and body had yet to connect after the world of dreams. She couldn't even remember what she dreamed about, but she was sure she had smelled the ocean. Severine only shrugged, her kind eyes staring into Wren's emerald pools. The Stonem almost sinked back at the kind look, wanting to squirm away and scream. She wasn't sure why she felt this when someone even gave her an ounce of affection. . .it was as if a python had been wrapped around her nerves, controlling the way she was wired with poison. Or, maybe it was just her irrational fear of getting too close to people, even though she couldn't help herself from doing it.

Her mind and heart were strange, the brunette had realized. They were constantly at war with each other. She wondered what it would like to be connected, tethered to every part of your soul and not cower in fear when you say who you really were. Wren Stonem was a dying star, a girl with no bright future ahead of her, and no light to shine on the rest of the world. She was an explosion in the making, and the girl didn't know if that would be her destruction or everyone else's. Maybe even both.

"It's fine! Oh! I almost forgot to tell you, the Headmaster wanted to see you for some reason. . ." Severine trailed off, before giving Wren a scolding tone, "what did you do?"

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