04. . .trapped in a glass jar

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TIME WAS RUNNING OUT of her hands. November drawing nearer with each passing day as Wren's grades sank lower and lower. She was sure she wasn't going to pass this year, but it didn't matter. Nothing mattered but the two people she incased inside her heart, and the world she could make better for them. The girl was swallowed up in the guilt of not knowing how to help. Not knowing how to take down the Dark Lord because in reality her flames where just in the size of one seventeen year old girl, and what could that do? And, really, the fact that she might not be able to do this by herself angered her like no other. Wren was so used to suffering in silence, and maybe, she had saved someone else from drowning (she doubted she even did that because she knew you where the only one who could help pull yourself out of the choppy water) but she'd never tried to help herself.

Wren Stonem was a selfless girl hidden by selfish words.

But none of those facts burned out her stubbornness because if there was one thing about Wren Stonem that never changed, it was the determination that entangled her lungs and blood. That's why, on the last September day of the year 1978, Wren found herself hidden in the forbidden section of the library in the middle of the night. Doing her best to quieten any noise, but honestly the girl didn't really care if she was caught. She just didn't want to have to explain why she was there. Running her nimble fingertips over the rough, old book covers, the girl whispered out the titles that she smoothed over. But, unfortunately, nothing pricked her mind that could seem even remotely useful. As always, Wren wanted to let out a scream, but nothing came out. She only ran her paled hands over her knotted, brunette hair as she let out a heavy sigh.

The pale eyed girl probably should've tried to quieter her movements, but emotion—— as always—— was getting to her. As much as she hated to admit it, the girl had always followed her heart. Her head had always been there sure, but passion and opinions where always the things that drove her to the actions she made. It was like, some part of her had been bottled up at a young age. As if, she had kept some small piece of her soul and stuck it into a glass jar somewhere deep inside the forest of her body, and now, it was like she just could not find it. And that small part of her, was like, her sense. Her mind, what used to make Wren the angry girl with nothing but hate. But, it was like, when she bottled up that part of her, she got rid of a small fragment of that hate (but also love) inside her, and now that empty space was just a void. And now, the female was trying to fill it with whatever she could, because she wouldn't feel complete without that space filled up.

    When she looked back though, the limited time's she had spent with Regulus Black. . .she hadn't felt that aching void. It had just been her, her fire cooled down and a smile able to finally show on her toughened skin.

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