06. . .a prospect of twin flames

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WREN HAD ALWAYS been interested in the prospect of twin flames. The idea of there being someone who shares your soul, the most personal thing a person could truly feel and conjure, and to have a part of that person's soul aswell. It was a concept of home in many ways, and Wren liked to think someone had part of her soul out there, and that's why she felt so hollow inside. Maybe, she had given the best parts of herself to someone else when she fell from the stars and landed in her mother's once caring arms. She wondered if they were happy —— she hoped they were —— because maybe not all of her had to be. . .terrible. She just got the short end of the game of souls.

"I can tell it's bothering you," Regulus noted, commenting about the letter Wren had held in her shaky palms. It was the letter her mother had sent her about the Christmas party, and the fact that it was now December sent chills along the girl's spine. The two were sitting in a quiet, quant section of the dreary Slytherin dorms. She had spent he Fall break at Hogwarts, playing a nice game of wizards chess with Regulus as he stared at her in adoration. She'd never get used to someone looking at her like that.

"No, I'm bloody brilliant Reg," Wren sarcastically replied, the stress finally getting to her. She couldn't face the Dark Lord, or her mother, not trusting herself with the burden of keeping the secret that she was actually trying to take him down. Wren wondered if he could smell betrayal, if it reeked off her like her Rose perfume. Was it even betrayal if she'd never been a follower in the first place? The brunette didn't know, but she didn't care to find out.

"I'm so gonna get murdered," Wren whispered, a slight humorous tone emitting from her as she tried to brush off her fear. She hated it when she felt fear, it made her feel quite. . .weak.

"Hey, I won't let anything happen to you. I promise," Regulus spoke, placing his thin hand over Wren's own, a comforting warmth taking over the girl. A sense of home coursed through her veins, and all of her nerves screamed at her to never let go, to grasp onto his hand and never let him leave her side. And, that part of her almost managed to convince her that he had gotten that good part of her soul. That he was her twin flame. But, it was so easy and familiar to focus on that hollow part of her soul, the one that was left to dwindle her down. The one that made her into the monster she thought she was. A blush creeped onto the apples of her face as she slowly moved her hand away from his, her heart tearing in two with each movement.

"I can't— I have to— Reg, I have to take him down," Wren frantically whispered, her heart pumping as fast even after being split into two. She spoke so quietly, in case someone was listening. Regulus looked at her with a concerned —— understanding —— look. A look Wren found herself getting lost in. As much as the brunette tried to press down the tears she felt pooling behind her emerald eyes, one stream of crystal drops made it down her cheeks and out of her sunken in eyes. Regulus wiped it away with the pad of his thumb, a rare, gentle look in his eyes that he only ever seemed to save for Wren.

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