09. . .it's all confetti now

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   WREN WONDERED if there was an after to what she was feeling. If some part of her could make it to the next year, and then the years after that. She was wondering if she would ever have a life. Wren had once wanted kids, she had once wanted to get married to the love of her life and live on the beach just like on family vacations. She didn't like beaches so much anymore. It was almost like she had been unpaused, but it wasn't really worth it. As if there were no point in her being unpaused because she was just a background character, and no longer had any place to go. Because she wasn't really Wren Stonem anymore, not really. She was just the first horcrux Lord Voldemort ever made, and if she wanted to take him down, she would have to go with him.

    Wren didn't know if she was fully prepared to do that, and she could almost laugh at herself for falling right into Lord Voldemort's trap.

    She hadn't even realized she made it to the field by Malfoy's manor, but her feet were carrying her there, and tears were desperately trying to pour out of her eye sockets. Something was trying to hold them back, and the worst part was she didn't know if that was her or. . .him. Wren didn't know where she started and he ended. Everything was just grey. The world had lost its filter, and now it was all black and white. As if dementors had been hired to paint the world and this was the outcome.

   "Hey- hey! Wren— love, you alright?" Regulus hastily asked, finally catching up to her as he pressed his hands against the girl's shoulders. Wren stumbled back, ashamed. The boy had this heartbroken look on his face, almost as if he were a kicked puppy. Wren wondered who had pushed herself away from the boy she loved, herself or the Dark Lord, but secretly she knew.

    "It's fine," Wren mumbled, trying to move as far from everything as she could. She wasn't in control of herself anymore, and she was dangerous. She couldn't risk it. . .couldn't risk it. And then Regulus was saying things, and Wren couldn't understand, she was just shattering and all she could focus on was white noise. But he couldn't see, he didn't see it, because she was hiding.

    "You know, I- I used to watch you in the halls of Hogwarts, and just smile. Because that was Wren Stonem, the girl with the pretty eyes, and the sarcastic smirk. The girl who didn't choose the path of hate," Regulus began to speak, desperate for Wren to understand. To understand why it hurt so much when she pushed him away. He just needed her to know.

    "You were like. . .my last thing to cling onto, my last hope. It was like, it was like I didn't have to be alone anymore, even if you didn't really know who I was, it didn't matter," Regulus spoke passionately, before Wren tried to stop him.


    "No, I- Wren, I have loved you since the day I first saw you. And I know all that love at first sight is kind of bullshit, but— I did. I have loved you for a decade and more, I just. . .I need you to know that," Regulus confessed, his eyes swirling with so many emotions. He had never really been one to share what he felt, he hadn't been raised like that. But the boy was so desperate for something to cling onto, for anything. And there she always was, and he knew he loved her. Regulus loved her smirk, her eyes, all of her jokes and the way she always had an opinion about everything. Regulus Black loved Wren Stonem to where it became poison.

   "No- Regulus- I can't. I'm not me, I'm not Wren. . .not really. I don't even know who. . .I am- I can't," Wren tried to explain, but she didn't know if she could. She didn't even fully understand it, and all she really wanted was to hold Regulus Black's hand, and dance with him and laugh with him- No, it wasn't safe. That love. . .that longing. . .it would hurt him even more then heartbreak.

    "I'm sorry." The last words Wren Stonem spoke to Regulus Black before she ran, ran to wherever she could where no one else could get hurt by her. Even if the brunette didn't really know herself, she knew she hated her poisoned soul and mind and heart all the same. Wren hated herself.

    When Wren walked into her room after bidding her mother a cold goodnight, it was as if it were a whole new century from the last time she had stepped inside the four walled room consumed with the dread of memories. It was as if her past was all confetti now, as if the memories with Regulus were just fragments of her consumed soul desperately trying to bring herself back to who she once was. As she slid the pale blue box from her drawer, she figured it once meant a lot to Wren Stonem, but she wasn't really Wren Stonem anymore, not really.

    She had nothing left.

    Maybe that's why she couldn't feel her heart tear in two as she crumpled up the picture she had previously put inside this sacred box just hours before of a peculiar boy. She couldn't feel how her body shut down as she threw the photo in the trash, desperate to not see his face any longer. She needed a break from seeing him. She needed a chance to breathe, so she turned it all to confetti. She ripped up her past and then threw it all around her. It got stuck inside her brunette locks, into the threads of her clothes until finally it sunk into the floor and Wren Stonem was gone. Now, she was just extinguished fire. Nothing anymore, not even a girl able to follow her heart or her mind.

    Maybe that was for the better, because Wren Stonem was exhausted of all this pain. But, the girl knew a piece of her soul was still inside her. It was just trapped inside a glass jar, waiting to be found. She just had to find the glass jar full of confetti. Full of the girl named Wren Stonem who laughed and loved and collected butterflies for fun.

    It's all just confetti waiting to be found.

sorry for such a short chapter, this is just kind of the closing for the sorta first part of this book . my poor babies you don't understand the pain ok.

it's fine.
also, i'm planning on making this a series but i wanted to know if you wanted me to publish the story of my oc for the golden trio's parents story first (a sirius black x oc story) to explain things, and wait to publish the golden trio story, or go ahead and publish the golden trio book and just write the sirius black book at the same time. . .? wren and reg's story is just the start in this book, and when you read the epilogue i hope you'll understand better!

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