Chapter One: Bullseye!

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Chapter One: Bullseye!


In all my 2 years of being a coach at a local high school, I have never lost a game. Not once. I have the greatest Soccer team within a 100-mile radius, not to brag or anything.


I turned around.

I was putting away the equipment we had used that afternoon for practice. "Yeah? What is it, Becky?" I sighed letting out a very deep breath.

"Um...Coach? I was wondering if it was ok for me to miss today's next practice."

Becky was a really smart student. She was doing well in her classes and was one of my best players on the team. She had a great reputation; she was basically the girl you wished to be in high school. "You better have a good excuse because we have a game next week."

Becky nodded. "I do, it's my boring grandma's birthday around the same time as practice and Mom won't let me skip it."

I take a good look at her. Becky has a fresh manicure, she has let down her hair which is something she never does, and I noticed a few other things that seemed off, like she was wearing and dress a little too short to grandma's birthday and had eye shadow on, when we all know Becky doesn't wear makeup.

I raised my eyebrows "Ok, now let's hear the truth, Becky?"

Becky tried to look confused. "But this is the truth."

I shake my head. Yeah, no. I wasn't buying anything she was trying to sell. I raised my eyebrows a little higher.
"Ok fine. There is a really good party and I want to go to." Becky gave in. "Man, sometimes I forget you used to be a detective."

I smiled casually.

"You can go but prepare for the game." I watched Becky grab her stuff and head out. I finished off the practice we had that day and gathered up all the equipment. I had a really bad headache but it's nothing new. I always have headaches after practice. Gosh, I needed coffee.

I locked the doors to the gym and hung the key on to a hook on the wall so the Janitor can come by any time.

I walked down a lonely road that was only active during mornings and nights. Everything was quiet except for a few people. The street was occasionally filled with children laughing and playing on the sidewalk. The bars were all closed waiting to be open at night. The only place I like to get coffee is at a Starbucks that is between work and home. A bell that they had hung up on the wall rung as I stepped inside the Starbucks.

"Well, if it isn't my favorite costumer?" Jerry beamed from behind the counter.

Jerry is an ordinary Asian guy that works here. He is a bit taller than me and I have never seen him without his forest green colored uniform. Jerry has a really hype attitude. He is one of the big reasons this particular Starbucks is always packed.

"Hey Jerry, How are you?" I responded, taking a seat.

"I am doing better than ever." Jerry smiled, handing a customer his coffee and taking the seat in front of me. "Go on. Tell me. What is the matter?" Jerry said, as soon as he sat down.

I shook my head. "Whatever do you mean?" I spoke with a bit of a shook in my voice.

"Lyla, you have walked in and out of this coffee shop every single day for the past few years. I know you. I know when something is wrong and something is wrong. So I am asking what's wrong."

God, he knows more about me than I do. "I used to love being a detective, bringing people to justice and all that. What happened? It's like I have forgotten all about my past." I admitted remembering the conversation I had with Becky.

"We can never forget the past. It will always be there. The past is who we are, it doesn't matter how much we want to avoid it, and we never can. If I didn't know better, I'd say you miss being a detective." Jerry said getting up.

I got up and looked up and him.

"Of course I do. Those were the best days of my life. Yeah, I did leave but I would be back, until they fired me. Now I can't go back even if I wanted to. The thrill I would have inside my veins, the thoughts occupying my mind and the people I would meet, the people I would throw behind bars because they deserved it." I stated while hugging him.

"Alright, now don't you dare let anyone take away that smile?"

I grabbed my coffee and waved goodbye. Jerry knows every possible way to make me smile.

I arrive in my apartment after walking a few more blocks. I entered my building and went past the empty lobby. It took a lot of effort but I climbed up five flights of stairs because the elevator was out of order. It has been for quite a while, when I say a while I mean since last July, It's October. I always put my key under the doormat in front of my apartment. I don't trust myself to carry around a key to my place. I take it out and go inside. I change into some comfortable clothes and hop onto the couch. I grabbed the remote and began the TV. Netflix popped up. I throw my coffee cup into the trashcan from my couch.

"Bullseye!" I shout.

"Shut up!" yelled my neighbor. Yeah, that's how thin the walls are. I open my TV and open the news. I like to see what goes on in the world. Nothing interesting so I go back to Netflix.

Right, let my weekend begin. 

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