Chapter Three: Humble Home

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Chapter Three: Humble Home


"Please come on in."

The maid welcomed us at around 10 am inside the mansion. I stepped in and Eddie followed. Oh my Lord! This place is huge. It felt like I had entered a time machine into the past because this place was decorated like it was the Victorian Era. There were antiques everywhere. There was a huge chandelier hanging from a pastel-colored ceiling. There was a huge staircase decorated with marble from the bottom to the top. Two cupid statues stood on either side of the stairs; a velvet carpet was on the ground making it all the way to the top of the staircase, the wall was colored beige.

"I am maid Valerie; I will try to do anything to make u feel at home. If you need me please call me, I shall be at your service."

My attention went back to the person who let us in, to begin with. She had dark hair and dark eyes. She was a small woman wearing an apron with her name 'Valerie' on it. The way she pronounced words lets others know she speaks in a Russian accent.

"Thank you, Valerie," Eddie said.

Valerie giggled and blushed away and disappeared into the mansion.

"Hello welcome to our humble home." a voice echoed. I looked up to see a man on top of the stairs. As he made his way down, you could tell what he was wearing and what he looked like. He wore a suit with his hair parted to a side and a black tie. He was Asian and shared a lot of similarities with Dalton Ito so this is with no doubt-

"I'm William, William Ito," he said shaking hands with Eddie. "I'm Eddie and this is Lyla."

I smiled with a little wave. "I'm so sorry for your loss."

William nodded. "Father lived a happy life. He was beloved by all. I don't see how anyone could do this to him. Every day he would say 'Son, a day without a smile is a day gone to waste' Father will be missed." William's eyes teared up a little. He sighed and took a deep breath. "Let's go to the living room. I will try to be helpful and tell you everything I know to help you with the investigation."

We followed him into another room much smaller than the other one but richer! There were a bunch of sofas and chairs all made of the color velvet surrounding a coffee table.

Maybe velvet is a rich people color. Paintings stood tall on the walls, all showing rich Japanese men. "My ancestors," William explained. "We come from a long line of successful men, each one trying to follow is his father's footsteps."

I and Eddie took a seat on one of the couches and William sat directly in front of us. I took out my phone from the pockets and opened notes. This is how I take notes, on a phone. It's the 21st century, don't judge. "So William, how many people were at the house at the time of the murder?" Eddie started off.

"There's my father, me, my sister, her husband, the maid, gardener, secretary, and the guard outside. There are five or six girls that work in the kitchen with Valerie but they weren't here two days ago and they always leave before it gets dark." William explained.

Eddie nodded. "According to police hypothesis he died after dinner, so may I ask where u were after dinner two days ago?"

"Of course, I had dinner, I took a long walk in the garden then I went to bed," William said.

"Can anyone clarify that?" I asked intervening.

William paused for a second. "Hmm, oh yes! I bumped into my sister on my way to my bedroom. She was just coming from the library."

Eddie nodded.

"Did anything happen at dinner?" I asked. William shook his head. No, I wasn't buying it. I raised my eyebrow a little. "You sure?"

William nodded. "Positive." I acted like I just bought all that.

William wasn't telling us something about dinner. It involves him in away. "Who called the police?" Eddie asked weighing in.

William thought about it for a second. "Me, my sister, her husband, and the secretary, we were all at breakfast when we heard Valarie shouting. We went to see what the commotion was about. Valerie was taking my father his breakfast like always but he wasn't opening the door. After getting no answers, I forced the door down. There we found my father, on the floor a meter or two away from the door with a stab to his leg, laying there on a pool of his own blood."

"Did you check his pulse?"

William nodded. "Oh yes, but there was no pulse. I tried so many times hoping for one, I had no luck."

"Sir? Did your father ever leave a will?" I asked.

"yes, he did. His secretary and lawyer, Charles probably has it."

I nodded and took notes.

"Thank you Mr. William for your time," Eddie said standing up. I did the same and William walked us out.

Eddie took my arm and pulled me to a side. "How did you know there was a will?" he asked. I sighed "its family drama Eddie of course there is a will."

Eddie sighed. Now back to my thoughts, William wouldn't tell us what happened at dinner maybe it would make him look guilty; maybe it was not his proudest moment or maybe nothing happened. Whatever it was we have to find out what happened at dinner.

"Here's the interview the police had with Valerie," Eddie said shoving a pile of paper in my face. "I don't need it."

"Lyla, you need this." Eddie insisted.

"Eddie, this is what Valerie told the police. I need to know what she will tell me. Speaking of Valerie, let's go talk to her." Eddie sighed.

We started walking. Every step we took, took us farther and farther from the front door and deeper into the house. We passed so many rooms until the only option left was a single hallway. It was down the hall from where the crime scene was. We followed it which lead to some stairs, we took the first one and it leads us to the kitchen.

The kitchen was sparkling clean. Valerie does her job well. "Valerie?" Eddie called. Valerie appeared from behind the counters. "Hi Eddie," she said. "Valerie, can we ask you a few questions about two days ago?" I asked.

Valerie nodded. I took out my phone ready to take notes. "Where were you between 8 to 9 o'clock after dinner?" Valerie took a moment to think. "Aha yes, why, I was sleeping. I always sleep at around 8 because I have to wake up early. I brought everyone their dinner and I cleaned up after they were done. I brought Madam her water-"

"Madam?" Eddie asked.

"She means Williams, sister." I clarified.

"yes, I do. Madam asked for water and I brought it to her. After that, I went straight to bed." Valerie stopped.

"Valerie? What happened at dinner?" I asked hoping Valerie would shed some light onto the events of dinner two nights ago.

Valerie turned white. She knows something.

"Nothing, I know nothing."

"Valerie please we need to know what happened at dinner," Eddie begged.

"I don't know anything. Now if that was all, please show yourselves out."

Me and Eddie got up and left the kitchen. We followed out footsteps and made it back to the front door, where we started.

"Does Valerie seem to have a motive?"

I shake my head. No, Valerie did not. Her boss is dead well maybe, why would you kill someone you work for and pays you well? You don't. William also didn't look like someone who would kill his father.

We have to find out who has a motive and fast. Time is running out. 

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