Chapter Seven: Hello Lily

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Chapter Seven: Hello Lily


I am so confused. The phone number I rang belongs to the inn we are staying at, but why? Forget I said I knew who the killer was; this is a loose end to my theory. Why would the killers drop a phone number belonging to the inn we were staying at? It doesn't make sense.

"You don't think the old lady had something to do with Dalton Ito?" Eddie said.

I was lost in thoughts. I didn't know.

"Can I help you?" Someone said softly from behind us. The lady owning the inn came up to us and smiled gently.

"I think we better talk ma'am." I motioned her to sit down. She took a seat and we sat on opposite ends of her. Once we were settled down I asked for her name.

"I have been told it is Lily." She replied.

"You have been told?" Eddie asked.

"Oh I have amnesia, I forgot my name and family and where I came from. I came to own this inn when the owner of this inn passed away, they gave it to me for free, it's mainly for tourists, the shops nearby like business when there are tourists in town, and this is the only inn for miles, so they couldn't afford to close this place down." Lily smiled.

Oh, poor soul. Imagine not knowing who you are or where you came from. I looked at her hand, she had her engagement ring on, if I had amnesia wouldn't I be curious as to who gave it to me and why they never came back for me?

"Who told you your name was Lily?" I asked.

"I don't remember, it was a long time ago, I don't even know my last name, and I just go by Lily."

I didn't want to pressure her anymore, so I ended the conversation with a simple goodnight. I got all the answers I needed anyway. Eddie and I left separate ways each headed to our own rooms.

That night, I didn't sleep. The killers left a note outside the crime scene with a number on it. I called the number and it is for our inn. I kept closing my eyes but they never stayed closed, I just couldn't sleep. I closed my eyes once more but instead of thinking about the case, I thought about my memories. I took a long stroll down memory lane, remembering things I didn't even know I knew, smiling at childhood moments, and laughing at all the things I wish I never did. That's the beauty of memories, it reminds you of all the things you take for granted and how a single 'hello' text or smile can affect a person. Smile, it's free after all. My father growing up, wanted me to be a doctor or anything but a detective. So when I went to police academy, my family did not approve, which prompted me to leave home; I haven't spoken to them in years. Eddie is my family, so when I got fired, I took it harder than most people. It was a dark year. I focus on my cases so I don't focus on my problems; I would rather solve someone else's problem than deal with my own. That is one of my many flaws.

I woke up the next morning; it was half-past twelve. I skipped breakfast because well, it half past twelve, and got dressed immediately. I ran downstairs to find Eddie already there.

"Morning," He says, "Beautiful day to solve a murder."

Eddie was laying back and reading the morning newspaper, which had Dalton Ito's face on the front page with the headlines 'Murdered! Who is next?' I rolled my eyes, nothing interesting happens around here, this is probably the only news the reporters get so let them exaggerate a little. I smacked Eddie in the back of the head making him jump. "Ouch! What was that for?" he yelped.

"Get a move on. We have a mansion to get to." I said.

Eddie rolled his eyes, quickly gulped up the coffee that was left and followed me outside. The weather was nice, it wasn't cold like yesterday, the sun was out and shining and the grass looked greener. We caught a cab and gave the driver the address to the mansion. "What do we do when we get there?" Eddie asked in the cab.

"Talk to William."

I knew a lot of the answers, enough for me to know who the killer is. The cab stopped outside the gate and Alexander opened it for us. We walked through the heavenly garden; Eddie yanked my arm and pulled me behind a tree. "Eddie, what the-"

"Shh." He said putting his hands over my mouth. I looked behind us and saw a very anxious William rushing to the gates. He was sweaty and pale and was constantly checking around him.

I smell a dirty secret. William got into a car and drove off. I ran out and onto the road. I quickly stopped a cab.

"Follow that car," I told the driver.

"Lyla wait," Eddie shouted and ran up to me. "What do you plan on doing when you do reach him?" he whispered.

"I don't know, but I have to know where he is going," I whispered. Eddie wrapped him arms around me and whispered into my ears, "I would never forgive myself if anything happens to you."

"I will be fine. I promise." I replied.

I pulled back and jumped into the cab. The cab sped on. It slowly trailed behind Williams's car carefully so we wouldn't get caught. William drove into town and stopped in front of a hospital; he got out quickly and ran outside.

"Stop right here, sir," I told the driver. I paid him generously and got out. I traced William's footsteps and went inside the hospital, I lost sight of William. I looked around but couldn't find him, I wandered into a hallway and another until the nurse stopped me.

"I am sorry. These rooms are not for the public." She said trying to get me to leave.

"What?" I asked. "What do you mean?"

"You are not a family member. I am sorry but you have to leave before I call security."

The nurse showed me out and I stayed outside the hospital.

'He owned a huge car company, a lot of real estate, he even went as far as buying a hospital, everything really.Charles' voice went past my mind.

Of course, Dalton Ito was the only one rich enough to buy himself and his family half of a hospital. Why would William come here? He didn't look like he was hurt, was he visiting someone? A friend maybe? Why didn't Dalton Ito just buy the whole hospital? Of course, there was only one hospital for miles, if he bought the whole thing, the town wouldn't have a hospital. 

I dialed Eddie and he picked up. "What the hell are you Lyla?" he screamed over the phone.

"Meet me at the mansion."

I hung up. 

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