Chapter Two: The Man In The Suit

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Chapter Two: The Man In The Suit


There is nothing better than waking up in the morning without an alarm clock. It was around 11 AM when I hopped out of bed, I am no night owl or a morning bird, and I'm a bear that hibernates every time my head touches a pillow. I turned on my coffee maker and made myself a nice latte. I let the coffee taste linger on my tongue for a second and then swallowing it, feeling the coffee doing down my throat. I walk to my room to put on my jogging clothes. I tie my auburn colored hair into a ponytail. I grab my keys, put them under the mat, and went down for my morning jog. I always run Saturday mornings, maybe it is the Coach inside of me, but I like it. These flights of stairs warm me up. I put on my headphones and Music rushed into my ears. The streets were a bit more joyful than yesterday. There were more children compared to yesterday and the café's had people sitting outside reading the newspaper. I wanted to visit Jerry but the cafe was crowded and I didn't want to bother him. I will visit him later in the afternoon that's usually when I need my coffee the most.

I felt like my body was burning up by the time I got back to my apartment. I bend over and reached for the key that I always leave under the mat. My hand came back empty. I tried again, nothing. I lifted up the mat and the key wasn't there. I slightly pushed my door hoping it wouldn't budge.

It opened.

I pushed the door further inwards and stepped inside. There was a tall man standing with his back against me in my living room. I didn't need to see the rest of his face to recognize those brown curls and tan face.

"Hi, Eddie,"

"Long time no see," he said facing me.

Eddie took a few steps closer, so close that I could tell he had a new scar on his neck. It was very red but it wasn't bleeding. I saw his light brown eyes, and freckles sprinkled over his face. He had a masculine face every athlete has; Eddie has it even though he rarely plays.

I took a step back. "You know it's illegal to break into someone's house." I clarified.

What is he doing here? I would be less surprised to see the president in my living room but not Eddie. I mean, it has been ages.

"Not when you have a key." Eddie grinned, throwing a key at me. I caught it and put it on a table next to me.

Eddie went on ahead and took a seat on my couch. He motioned me to do the same. I did and I made sure I was a few seats away. "Alright talk, and make it quick."

"I'm just going to be straightforward with you," Eddie said. "We need you back. There is a new case we are working on but it's a... Well, it's a tough one." Eddie admitted.

"yeah... No." I said, sitting up. I am not working for them or anyone involved with them. I left that life behind me. It took guts and a whole lot of courage to take those steps forward in my life; I'm not ready to go back. Yesterday, I was complaining that I wanted to go back, but seeing Eddie in front of me, I remembered why I left in the first place, and it all came back to me.

"What? Why!? Come on Lyla! We need you." Eddie stood up.

I did the same.

"No Eddie! You and I know what happened last time and I am not going back to that. Besides, you and I haven't spoken in years! What makes you think it's ok to just break into my life again... Literally!" I said looking straight into his eyes.

Eddies' eyes watered. "I didn't come here for you or me. I came here because some poor bastard died and I need your help to bring whoever did it to trial!" Eddie sighed and fell back onto the couch. He rubbed his eyes until they were quite red, Eddie also had bags under his eyes. Eddie wasn't getting enough sleep. He never stays up late that is just the way Eddie works, he would say 'My mind shuts down after 10 pm' so seeing him like this meant something was seriously bothering him. So it bothered me.

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