Chapter Eight: There he was...

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Chapter Eight: There he was...


I couldn't catch a cab at this time of day so I ran to the mansion, it was a long run, but it was urgent. When I made it there, it felt like chains were weighing me down, and my feet hurt so bad from running in these shoes, it felt like there were pieces of broken glass under my feet. I waited for the gate to open; when they did I rushed inside. Eddie was sitting in the patio drinking a cup of tea; he hadn't seen me some inside, I went up to him and collapsed onto the ground.

"Lyla!" Eddie exclaimed, noticing me. "Are you ok?" He held out his hand and I took it, Eddie helped me up and I managed to stand up, my legs felt numb and I had a scorching pain inside my veins, like there was lava rushing inside of them. I took a seat right next to him.

"I followed William to a hospital but lost him inside, I searched all over the hospital, looking into every door and walking into every hallway I could find. He wasn't anywhere to be found. There was the other side of the hospital, but it was for family members only. Some nurse stopped me and wouldn't let me go in any further." I explained.

"And only Dalton Ito is rich enough to buy half of the town hospital." I finished.

Valerie came outside with a tray filled with the cookie and warm cups of tea. The last thing I need is something hot inside my body; it already felt like I was burning inside out. When she saw me, her face turned white, as someone had just drained all the blood from her. Valerie froze in place and dropped the tray, causing shattered glass to fall everywhere. I got up immediately and kneeled next to her, I started picking up the pieces slowly, and careful not to cut myself, only to notice Valerie looking down at my arm. She stared at my arms and didn't blink.

"Valerie?" I called for her; she was freaking me out a little.

Valerie's finger wrapped around a glass piece, she raised her hand and aimed for my arm. I felt the glass tear open the skin of my arm, causing blood to splatter everywhere. I screamed the pain was too much.

"Go to the hospital, find him." Valerie hissed, looking straight into my eyes. Fear.

There was fear inside her eyes, She was afraid of something, or someone. Valerie got up and ran like she was a gazelle chased by a hungry lion.

My focus went back to my arm, it wouldn't stop bleeding. Eddie was now kneeled next to me, putting a bunch of tissues into the cut, the blood made the tissues red within a few seconds. I tried adding pressure to the wound to make it stop just a little, or maybe make the pain a little less. Tears filled my eyes, it felt like someone had torn off my arm, it was painful.

"Come on, let's get you to the hospital," Eddie said, with a calming tone, he was anything but calm.

I slowly got up and made my way to the gates, Eddie had his arms on my waist, making sure I didn't fall. Alexander saw us through a distance and hurried over. He looked down my arm and threw up a little in his mouth.

"Dear God! Let me call you a car!" He took out his phone and made a call and told us we had to wait for a cab, it would only take a minute. That minute was torture. The pain was increasing and the blood was pouring out of my arm like a waterfall. I got dizzy and lost my balance, Eddie tightened his arms around me making sure I don't fall back. Finally a cab came up to the gates, we went inside and the driver drove us to the hospital.

Once we arrived, we hurried out and slowly but quickly made out way into the hospital. The tissues we had were drenched in blood, and the pain wasn't getting better. A couple of nurses spotted us from a distance and came over to help us.

"Name please?" the one with the red hair asked.

Seriously, look at my arm is this really the time to ask me about my name.

"Sofie Ito."

I remembered what happened with another nurse that morning, I figured maybe if I gave a family members name, they would let me into the other half of the hospital.

"This way madam, your friend can come too,"

They guided me into a dimly lit hallway; we walked to the end of the hall and stopped at a door. It was the other half of the hospital. The same hallway the other nurse wouldn't let me in. They opened the door inwards and put me on the bed, they got a bunch of equipment and the red hair one started stitching me up. The pain was nothing compared to my pain from the cut, I brushed it off like it was nothing, and they also gave me pain killers to make it stop feeling like my arm was torn apart.

"We haven't seen you here since you were a baby ma'am. You have changed quite a lot, I must add, prettier of course." said the nurse, who had light blue eyes.

I smiled. "Oh well, I was a gentle girl and I never had any injuries that required me to go to hospital, I suppose that's why it has been so long."

The nurses chuckled and the one with light blue eyes giggled like a little girl. The other nurses shot her a dirty look. "Don't mind her miss, your brother came by today and well the nurses here seem to have a bit of a crush on him."

I laughed weakly. William had a lot of features that made girls melt. Eddie stood by the door, his eyes widened and he blushed. Girl talk makes him red.

"Can I see him?" I asked out of a sudden, not exactly sure who 'him' is.

The nurses looked at each other. "We are so sorry miss, but I'm afraid your brother forbids us to let anyone see him."

I nodded; I think I have an idea who 'him' might be, lets test my theory. "I understand, but it's just," I sigh and look down. "I miss him so much, every day. I would give anything in the world just to see him again, oh what we have been through. The nightmare we have gone through."

The nurses exchanged glances once again, the one patching me up, put a bandage around my arm and tied it nicely. Eddie stood up by the door and gave me a 'what are you trying to pull?' look. The red hair one offered her arm and I took it, we made our way into the hall again and they led me deeper into the hospital. The sound of children and adult chatting in the lobby was no longer heard in this part of the hospital. The nurses stood outside a single door at the end of a very narrow hallway, there was a sign on the door that said 'Staff only'. The nurses didn't go any further; they motioned me to go inside, they stopped Eddie and wouldn't let him come with me.

I took a step towards the door and pushed it inwards.

There he was.

Lying peacefully.


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