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Valerie and William aren't telling us what happened at dinner so maybe it's time to see Madam Sofie, daughter of Dalton Ito. Perhaps she can tell us what happened at dinner.

It was noon; the sun was setting outside the windows of this 'humble' home. Sofie will be the last person we speak to before we leave for the day and head back to the inn. "Where would Sofie be?" Eddie asked. I did not know the answer. We looked for her in the garden first. A Rocky pathway leads from the house to the greenhouse, surrounded by trees and rose bushes, a fountain with a statue of cupid in the middle stood tall on the left side, on the right stood the perfect place for an outdoor picnic. Sofie wasn't there. We started heading back inside when halfway there we ran into Sofie. "Sofie hi I'm Lyla and this is a detective-"

"I know who you are. Shall we talk in the living room?"

We nodded.

Sofie was an American version of Mulan. She shared many features her father had. Her dark hair was let down, they were so long they stopped at her knees, her black eyes shined when the sun hit it. She wore a long white dress, with pink flowers at the bottom; the dress reached her ankles and stopped there. We reached the living room, the same place we talked with William. Sofie sat in front of us. "Sofie, where were you a little after dinner?" Eddie asked. beginning the interrogation.

"I went to the library for a while, and then I started feeling very tired. Richard, my husband, was also with me at the library. I went to bed the minute I felt tired but I remembered seeing William on my way to the bedroom. Anyway, I got ready for bed but my throat was feeling very dry so I asked Valerie to bring me some water and that is all I remember."

So far William, Sofie, and Valerie all have an alibi. Unless Richard tells us Sofie was never with him, but someone was with Dalton Ito.

Dinner was served and right after dinner Dalton Ito, America's richest man was stabbed in his room with the doors locked from the inside. Police arrive because the family assumes he is dead. While police are busy interrogating-

That's it!

The police were busy! The police never leave the crime scene unless there was a diversion. Something or someone distracted them long enough for the killer to get rid of the body.

"Sofie, what happened at dinner?" I asked snapping back into reality.

"Valerie served us food. We ate in complete silence for a while and then, well then my father wanted to get everyone's attention. He wanted to go through his will with us. His secretary had done all the changes and it was done."

"What changes?"

"Father was cutting William out of his will and was leaving everything to me."

Eddie and I made eye contact. We had just found ourselves a motive.

"Sofie, please go on." Eddie insisted.

"Father started a car business back in Japan and when his company was a huge success, he came to live in America where he met my mother. Mother and father ran the company well until my mother sadly passed away when I was in college and William was in high school. It was tough on everyone, but William was taking it the hardest."

"Did he get a therapist?"

Sofie shook her head.

William never had a therapist then what made his get through his loss? Teenagers have a hard time dealing with the loss of their pets let alone the loss of your mother.

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