From the Authors Desk

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This is the part of the story where I say a few encouraging words so here goes nothing:

'The apple doesn't fall far from tree' is a phrase that is used when a child shares a lot of similarities with the parent. William and Dalton Ito shared a lot of similarities, for one, they both used killing as the answer to a very simple question. We often try finding a really complicated solution to a very simple question, look at the bigger picture. When you hit a dead end, when you don't know where else to go, there is always another way, another path, find it! Find that hidden path, find the right one, and it's true, sometimes the right path is not the easiest, but it is the right one.

"Thinking you can do something is the first step of doing it"

No matter how far ahead in life we go, we always find a way back to our parents and our families, because they have been with us since we first opened our eyes and joined this world, they will be there for the journey and the end. You connect with your family by blood; it is strong enough to overcome anything.

When life gets tough, you get tougher. When life tries to break you down, you stand tall no matter how weak you think you are. There is no such thing as a weak person, because if you have made it as far as today in life, then you are strong enough to continue.

If you feel defeated, like you are done trying to fight life in a long never ending battle, yet somehow you manage to stand up and look life in the eyes, then you are really brave and stronger than you know.

Make the impossible, possible, because even miracles take time.

Take action; shape your future into the future you want. It takes time because becoming famous and accomplishing the impossible take a long time, but it will be worth it. Make every second and every day and every year of your life count and if you think that anyone's opinion matters than your own, than you are wrong. People that hate you are people who never made it anywhere in life. Stand proud and tall, and make the people that believed in you proud.

Sometimes we fail, but we never fly if we never fall.

Sometimes in life you have to forget what you see, forget what you hear, what do you feel? Listen to your heart and mind, they have been telling you what they want for a long time, just listen. I mean, who made it through the ups and downs of life? You. Who stood up every time they fell? You. Who made it to today? You. Because you can, and all over the world there are people that don't think like they can.

I have always wanted to point at a book on a bookshelf and say, "See that book, I wrote that."

Remember everyone has gone through something that makes them who they are, everyone has a story to tell, but no matter what happens, family always comes first.

After all, the apple never falls far from the tree.

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