Chapter Six: You are one scary lady!

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Chapter Six: You are one scary lady!


"No record? There's a shook!" I said sarcastically.

Why give us a fake name if you have nothing to hide? Unless that name isn't just a common name, it connects something maybe, I don't know it's like I'm putting apple and oranges together, nothing makes sense.

"Did you get his real name?" I asked eagerly him to say yes.

"I did, it took a lot of work and I had to look through dusty records but I did find it, it's Arnold, Alexander Arnold."

My eyes widened. "That's it!" I exclaimed. Oh Lord, thank you. I managed to pull together two pieces of the puzzle, the two pieces that brought everything else together.

"Eddie, can the police send you a copy of Jessica Arnold's Case file?" I said.

"No not again." Eddie backed up, "That's the past detective."

I looked up and we made eyes contact, he called me detective. Eddie hasn't done that in years, I smiled weakly. People spend their whole lives looking for their purpose, looking for a way to help others, to help the world. I am a detective, it's who I am. It's my purpose, so why watch days and years of my life go by when I know what my purpose is? 

Because I'm scared. Scared of facing the consequences of my purpose, scared that I would lose more than I would gain, scared of the world out there. I was at least, not anymore. Because your fear should never get in the way of what you want to do with your life. I know it's easier said than done but when it's done, it's worth it. If you do it, even when the thought terrifies you, that's being brave.

"What do you say detective? Ready to solve the case?" Eddie smiled.

I nodded.

Arnold isn't a common name. Not in the police force at least. It was a case I covered years ago, a case that got me fired. So the guard has the same last name as a dead girl from a previous murder case, could be a coincidence, that's what I'm trying to find out.

We sat outside a Cafe while Eddie made a few phone calls trying to get us a case file. Finally, they agreed to send us a PDF version of it. I grabbed Eddies' phone and scrolled down. "Aha here we go! Alexander Arnold, brother of the victim never questioned because he was away in the military." I read off the Eddies phone.

"But why is he here?" Eddie asked.

I bit my bottom lip. I don't know. Why would he come here? In front of me two pieces of the puzzle drifted apart. Ugh, I need answers not questions.

"Wait Lyla! A.A the initials we found on the pen in the scene of the crime-"

"It's him!" I exclaimed.

The pen we found at the crime scene had the initials A. A on them, Alexander was the only one with those initials. Why is this guy's pen found at the crime scene, we know Valerie gave it to Dalton Ito but the pen belongs to him, I don't know maybe he can shed some light onto this case.

I was about to get up and head back to the mansion to question Alexander when Eddie grabbed my arm.

"Hey, can we talk?"

I nodded and took a seat again. I noticed his hands, his thumbs were pressed down against each other, Eddie does this when he is nervous and what he is about to say hasn't been easy on him.

"I am so sorry I fired you. I know I have no right to apologize years later but I really am sorry. You were and always will be a great detective and I am so sorry I never saw that. You were so worked up about this case, it changed you. I would call you detective and you would scream, "I am not a good detective if I can't find one small murderer!" I was worried about you. You are so close to closing a case the whole police force combined couldn't crack. Thank you so much for everything you have done for me and everyone."

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