Running and Mishaps

121 17 22

Carson's POV

When I finally get home, I breath a sigh of relief after getting away from all those annoying judgmental kids.

The worse type of brat, are those that don't have their own personality and copy and paste whatever bullshit that they get from their parents.

Kids are rude, nasty, and irritating and I hope I never have them myself. My kid would only hate me, and I'm sure the feeling would be mutual.

Not wanting to stain my bed with the days worth of dirt and sweat, I forgo taking a nap, especially with joe restles I feel. Over the past few days, I've been feeling as if I need to run a marathon in order to settle down at all.

Even Houston has been feeling a little off these past few days and neither of us could explain it. 'Maybe you're pregnant.' He snorts at me and I growl at him, though the response only makes him laugh harder at his stupid joke.

Deciding to make myself something to eat, I walk towards the kitchen and flick on the lights glancing around the empty house with a sigh, turning away form the darkness.

Never having knew my parents, Houston and I grew up with our grandma, but after passing away three years ago, things have been more lonely than they should have been, making being around people, especially those that are nothing for than narcissistic assholes.

I hate that throughout the years, we as wolves have been taught to be proud of our species for being so accepting and gracious, when really it's all a lie.

The only place where I've seen such condescending pretentious assholes is in the Faerie part of the city, and even then, their judgment has some bounds. Being a wolf means that you have to fall into one category and if you don't then somehow it makes people question is you're even a "real wolf".

Though I wouldn't say it, some times I hate being a wolf.

Houston snorts at me making me roll my eyes as he corrects my apparently wrong statement. 'Don't lie. You talk about hating being a wolf all the time. Don't worry, you don't hurt my feelings.' He claims and I just ignore the wolf, knowing that hes always going to be a bit overdramatic no matter what I say.

Once I focus in the kitchen, I reach into the fridge and pull out a few things to be able to make a salad with.

Eating isn't always easy, but I have a few tricks up my sleeve to make the process a little less hard to handle.

I quietly chop up my baby spinach into smaller pieces before I do the same ti a red onion, apples, a boiled egg left over from breakfast and a few other things that I throw into my bowl, including some left over chicken form last night.

The few makes my mouth water and I grab some ranch to drizzle in rope before I head towards the back of the house with a fork in hand, to open the back door and sit on the patio.

The view isn't anything special, just the sight of the back of another house, and my fence, but it's a special place to me.

Grandma used to take me outside all the time and talk to me for hours, telling me about my mom and dad and how in love they were. Telling me that my dad died of a broken heart after my mom died given birth to me.

She has been exposed to a deadly metal before she went into labor and whether strength she had left went to telling the doctors to save me. And my dad, not wanting to live without her, traveled to the moon as well.

I hope their souls find each other again, either in the afterlife or recreated to find each other again and again so they can always feel thats love for each other.

When I was younger, I used to hate my dad for leaving me behind. For not being strong enough to fight through the pain of loosing his Mate to take care of the baby that she sacrificed his life for but my Grandma told me once that it didn't work like that.

If he has lived, he would have ended up resenting me in a way, why her consciously or not for the fact rhat his Mate died in order for me to live.

She said it was better for everyone this way.

I never agreed, but I understood. And while I never learned to grow to live a family that I've never met, I do hope that what they went through together and for each other was worth it.

I sigh as I finish my salad and sit there for a few minutes as the sun begins to dip into the group, spreading colors throughout the city as the light of our world says goodbye for the night. I sit there for a few moments later before I realize that my legs are bouncing and I feel like Imm going crazy sitting in this backyard as if waiting for someone to take me away on come adventure of a lifetime.

I get up form the patio and walk inside, making sure to lock the door behind me as I walk back inside.

'Today feels weird.' Houston tells me and I agree immediately.

'Very very weird. Should we be worried?' I als him, always having believed in vibes and auras even though I'm not a Faerie or Warlock.

'Let's go for a run.' He offers hesitantly, almost in question as if he's not sure, but the words bring instant relief over something to do that doesn't involve standing away anxiously waiting for the tiene shoe to drop in a house that's been quiet for way too long.

I place my dishes in the sink, and while I usually wash as I go, I ignore them and walk back towards my room to grab a light becket and some running shoes.

Once they're on and I'm cozy, I grab my keys off of the counter in the kitchen before I walk outsid, shutting and locking the door tightly behind me.

I decide to go left, though usually I go right, some instinct telling me to do so which I listen to though I'm not sure why.

My feet pound into the pavement, a steady rhythm being set as I make my way towards the center of the pack, humming to myself quietly , unable to stay silent and still been whole active. I shake my head to try to clear it though as time goes on I'm only beginning to feel more and more out of it.

I blow out a deep breath and try to ignore the suffocating feeling and cross a small street? the roads mostly empty. I see a few other people running, though most in wolf form and I can feel them judging me for my lack of fur as I stretch my limbs and try to distract myself from the strange feeling that keeps settling in my chest.

I get to a cross walk, and when I look up, the light is red, and having right of way, I begin jogging across. Just as I'm taking my first few steps, a truck comes turning around the corner and almost hits me before it slams on its brakes.

I freeze as my heart starts pounding, Houston's whining within me as well as my heart ponding making me feel distracted and dizzy as I look up at the man that alista hit me.

And I frown when I see who it is. Jonah, the son of the Alpha and Luna and the unfortunate topic of discussion all the time around the pack.

When I look closer, I can see a year coming down his face, his fingers around the steering wheel white and I just stare at him, something weird happening within me as I look at him. He seems to finally come out of whatever trance he was in and as soon as he realizes what's going on, he begin getting out of his car and I just stand there as if dumbstruck and it makes me confused.

As soon as he opens his door, I finally get it as my knees get weak, the smell of burning fire and coffee making my almost whine at the smell of him.

When I lock eyes with his brown ones they're wide with panic as he looks at me, his nose twitching just as much as mine is. I open my mouth to say something, more likely the 'Mine', that Houston is trying to push down my throat, but before I can, the man jumps back into his truck, eyes still stuck in me as he reversed and drives away, the whole time his chocolate eyes filled with panic.

they finally met



QOTD: steak or fish?

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