Stubborness and Cooking

139 14 9

Carson's POV

     'I'm starting to think that maybe I should just do what he's asking.' I tell Houston, growing as I let my head fall into my hands.

     'He needs us, and believe it or not, we need him.' He tried to tell me, but I roll my eyes and shake my head at his words.

      'The only thing I need, is better sleep, and something to eat.' I correct him, and I can't feel his disbelief and slight annoyance with me but I ignore it. When I had woken up this morning, all I could think about were brown eyes, and long curly hair.

     And of course, Houston some how convinced me that I needed to come and see Jonah and talk to him about us.



I hate that word.

'Why do you have to be so cynical about everything. All you ever are are negative. For once, can we be positive and hope for the best?' He tries to plead with me. And I think about it, well, not really, before I give him his answer.

'Hope is for those who like to be let down, and positivity is for the ignorant. I am neither of those people.' I tell him and he sighs.

'At least make the man breakfast. Maybe showing that you don't plan on going anywhere will show him that you're serious and don't plan on giving up on him.' He challenges me and I groan.

'But then that would be a liieee. One more push and I'm out the door.' I tell him, getting up from the seat along the counter and rounding the marble
to get to the fridge on the other side of the island.

'Two pessimistic assholes Mates together. What fun.' Houston proclaims and I pretend not to notice the sarcasm literally dripping from his voice.

     'Isn't it though?' I ask him, and he rolls his eyes, hard, but I just shrug my shoulders at him as I pull out some eggs and bacon and a loaf of bread.

     I try not to think about the fact that I'm acting as a house wife, cooking dinner for my lovely Mate, and I almost want to gag. Okay maybe I am a little mean. And pessimistic. But not cocky...., okay maybe a little bit of that too. It hurt a little when he told me that, but in a way, I can't be mad if he's right.

     Stupid cute, sexy stomach, long haired bastard.

     This is would be so much easier if he were ugly.

     I start cooking breakfast, humming to myself softly and explore the room a little bit and I notice, that from what I can see, everything here is.... a necessity. There's no obscure painting on the walls, no random books lying around, not even a game console.

     Everything here is just what he needs. And it feels like at a moments notice , he could just leave, and we would never even know he was here.

     The realization makes me sad, and I frown as I turn back to the stove wand get back to work, ignoring the hollow feeling spreading in my chest for a man I've only just met.

     'No matter how long you've know him, he's still your Mate.' Houston reminds me, and I don't say anything, but the thought does stick with me a little.

    Not even ten minutes later, the food is done, and just as I'm putting everything on plates, the room Jonah disappeared into gets opened and I turn my head to find him in a tight fitted white tee and blue jeans, his hair curly and soft as it falls down to his shoulders.

    Holy Hell.

    He is hot.

    'Let's have sex.' Houston encouraged and my face burns a bright red at the suggestion just as he stops, only a few steps out of his room as he smells the food and finds me standing over two plays sitting on top of the island.

      "So you didn't take the hint, I see." He grumbled to himself, and I'm about to say something that is not so nice, until he comes over to where I am anyways and sits at the seat I was sitting in not to long ago.

    I softly push a play towards him, and he doesn't even look at it at first, just looks at me and folds his arms, his eyes narrowing as he studied me.

     "Why are you here?" He asks and I'm almost one hundred percent sure he's talking about more than just me staying to make breakfast.

"I don't know. Seemed like the right thing to do. I hate the pack, they hate you. Enemy of my enemy sort of thing." I tell him, finally letting the facade of being a "nice guy" down.

"They'll hate you too." He says with a laugh, finally grabbing a fork and starting on the eggs in front of them while I nibble on some toast.

"All the people who's opinions every really mattered to me, are dead. So a bunch of strangers that don't pay my bills, and have no weight in my life aren't going to do anything to me." I promise him, rolling my eyes and he shakes his head.

"I can't tell if you're an asshole or just someone who truly doesn't care about life in general." He states.

"Why chose when I could be both?" I ask with a shirt and he laughs. The sound makes my lips twitch up in the corners unconsciously. He looks so much younger when he smiles like that.

'Noooow kiss!' Houston says and I almost choke on my food.

'Horny mutt.' I chastise him.

'You rang?' He answers sweetly and I roll my eyes. When I look back at Jonah he's almost done with his food and he looks up at me and sighs before setting down his fork.

"I'm a Warlock. I only have one blood relative that loves me, I don't get along with my family right now, the pack hates me, and Warlocks don't like me. I only go to the pack once a week to see Lily." He explains to me, and I listen, though a bit confused. "I have a lot going on right now. And if any of that bothers you, this isn't the place to be. Nothing in my life has been easy, and this won't be either. I won't blame you if you want to walk away." He says.

And even though I was just thinking the same thing last night, it doesn't feel right, coming from him.

It makes me feel selfish that I'm actually thinking about it. Walking away. Saving myself.

     "I- I don't know. I need some time." I tell him honestly, and he doesn't seem phased.

    "Well, apparently you know where to find me." He tells me, and I nod before I set my dishes in the sink and stand in front of him, wiping off my sweaty palms on my pants.

      "I'll see you around?" I ask him and he laughs.

     "On packs lands? Probably not. The rest is up to you." He tells me, and those words follow me out of the door.

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