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"Well done, everyone!" Bill grinned, "Now all that's left to do is give the cursed barrier spell a go." he said once he'd finished teaching the younger students, "Lana, care to do the honours?"

"Sure." she smiled, walking forward. She pulled out her wand and cast the charm, producing a transparent shield in front of her.

"How can we tell if it worked? Nobody here has a dark mark." Lana asked.

"You sure about that? Has anyone checked Merula's arm?" Andre asked sarcastically.

"Take that back or I'll..." Merula threatened.

"Why don't we call it a night? I'll see you all for our next lesson." Bill said, interrupting the argument.

"Consider yourself lucky, Andre."

Lana walked over to Barnaby, who slid an arm around her waist as they headed for the door.

"Lana, do you mind hanging back? I was hoping we could talk." Bill called.

"Sure." Lana said, "I'll see you later." she smiled, kissing Barnaby's cheek before he smiled at her and left the room.

"Charlie told me you talked him out of leaving Hogwarts. I can't thank you enough for watching out for him." Bill said gratefully.

"No problem, Bill. Charlie's supported me all this time, it's only fair that I do the same." the girl smiled kindly.

"I'd be grateful if, while I'm away, you could keep watching over him, and the rest of my brothers for that matter."

Just then, Percy burst into the room, panting.

"Good, you two are still here. You need to come to the Great Hall straight away!" he gasped, "Fred and George are missing!"

Panic set in both of the older students as they followed Percy quickly to the main hall.

"They were supposed to meet me here for dinner, but they never showed up." Percy explained.

"No..." Charlie mumbled, "You don't think they've been affected by the statue curse, do you, Lana?" he asked worriedly.

"Well, we don't have any reason to believe they've been cursed, hun. They're probably fine. In fact, I'm sure of it." Lana responded, trying to keep everyone positive.

"Lana has a point. Knowing them, this could be a trick or game." Bill added, "You know how much they enjoy hiding from Percy, after all." he chuckled.

"That's true..."

"In fact, this wouldn't be the first time they've tried to get out of dinner with Percy." Bill said.

"If this is all some trick, they're in for much worse than eating their vegetables." Percy frowned.

"The only way to know for sure is to find them." Lana shrugged.

"Lana's right. Let's ask around. Maybe someone's seem them." Bill added.


After searching everywhere in the castle, Lana and the Weasley boys had no luck. Lana and Bill split to go and talk to Peeves and see if he had any ideas, and he let slip that the twins ran off into the the Forbidden Forest. They were now in the Red Cap's hole, with the twins safe and sound, but they told Lana that they had to tell her something...

"So the wizard you two followed into the forest looked like my brother?!" Lana asked in shock.

"Are you sure it was him?" Bill asked, "You've never met her brother before."

Barnaby Lee x Reader - Year 6Where stories live. Discover now