An Invisibility Cloak?

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Despite feeling awful day in day out, Lana had to continue searching for Rakepick and the final cursed vault. She didn't have Barnaby anymore, but she did have her other friends who could help her. Lana was on her way to meet Rowan for a chat when she passed Barnaby and Ismleda in the corridor. Barnaby didn't look at her, instead kept looking forward as Ismelda sent Lana a devilish smirk.

The brunette noticed how stern Barnaby appeared when she saw him - he didn't have his usual happy aura surrounding him, instead she sensed anger and sadness circling him as she walked past them. Lana's face contorted into a sad frown as she turned around to watch him until he disappeared around the corner, convinced that he now hated her.

"I'm sorry." she whispered, head hung low as she continued on.


A week had passed, and Lana had an invisibility cloak from a wizard in Knockturn Alley named Alistair. He wanted a love potion in return, and Lana, Jae and Andre traded with him. She needed the cloak so she could sneak into the Ministry to get information on Rakepick.

Before she was able to tackle the ministry, Alistair suggested testing the cloak on the professors, which Lana was now doing. She'd just entered the transfiguration classroom, as Jae told her McGonagall and Flitwick usually met up to talk. He told her to get out her cloak as he heard the teachers approaching.

"How do I look?" Lana asked Jae once she'd put the cloak on.

"Let's just say I can see right through you." Jae laughed, "Good luck, Lana. I hear the first time's always awkward."

"Is there anything I can help you with, Mr Kim?" McGonagall's stern tone appeared from the door.

"No, Professor, I was just leaving. Carry on." Jae said awkwardly, glancing back at where Lana was before leaving the room.

"As I was saying, Filius, the timing of her arrival couldn't be worse." McGonagall told Flitwick, "We have no idea the dangers this may pose."

"You're right, Minerva. Perhaps it would behoove us to further discuss everything Albus told us." Flitwick answered.

Lana stood in silence, trying not to make a noise as the teachers carried on their conversation. She was about to let out a deep breath when McGonagall said something that struck her interest.

"I suppose we'll simply have to monitor the situation with the dangerous wizard from Mahoutokoro."

'Mahoutokoro?' Lana thought, 'Jacob said something about that...'

"Regarding this exchange program with Castelobruxo, however...are you sure we should not call it off?" she continued, "With no end to the petrifaction curse in sight and Patricia Rakepick still on the loose, is Hogwarts really safe?"

"I'm afraid it's too late for that, the Brazilian student will be arriving imminently." Flitwick said, "Besides, we do not want to raise needless international suspicion."

"You're right, Filius. We will have to manage."

The professors left the room with Lana still under the cloak, and her head filled with multiple questions.

"Lana? Are you here?" she heard Jae ask.

"Right here." she said as she approached him, still hidden under the cloak.

"Hmm..." Jae mumbled, reaching out his hands to see if he could pull the cloak off her.

"Boo!" Lana cried, removing the cloak.

"Woah!" Jae gasped, clutching his heart and making her laugh, "How did it go?! Did McGonagall say anything about the exam?"

"Sorry, Jae. It didn't come up."

Barnaby Lee x Reader - Year 6Where stories live. Discover now