Next part

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The next part to this will be a serial killer au where Virgil is a serial killer and he's dating Roman,he knows about Virgil killing but he's fine with it because it's only pedophiles and rapists he kills Roman is also trans (ftm).They both go to Jail after the police find one of virgil's kills but before they went to jail they had sexual intercourse which caused Roman to get pregnant he gave birth in jail but the child got taken away to an orphanage.Virgil and Roman got separated and Virgil never knew Roman was pregnant and gave birth.A year later Virgil begs to see Roman but he gets told he died a year ago.Virgil gets out of prison and goes to his old house he shared with Roman but he is told to change his name so no one knows it's him.He opens the door and here's noice coming from one of the rooms so he goes to the kitchen grabs a knife and goes and looks what the sound is.When he got to the door he froze.

Who was it he saw...... we will never know. Well we will when I write and post it 😆.it should be out either tomorrow or Monday.sorry for the wait.

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