We will meet again

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Warnings:mention of death,swearing,being lonely,sad Roman,child being taken away,knife mention. That's it tell me if there is anymore.

(Virgils pov)
Me and Roman were just cuddling on the couch when there was a knock at the door.I sighed and Roman went to open the door."hello sir we are here to inform you that you and Virgil storm and under arrest for suspicion of the murder of *random name*.The police came in and handcuffed Roman than handcuffed me.We got put into separate cars and drove down the the station.I was more in shock than anything how did they know.But why did they take Roman he has done nothing wrong.As we got to the station i saw Roman already there in the waiting room being interviewed by one of the police.He came out and I saw tears down his face.They uncuffed me and I ran to Roman and gave him a big hug."hey it's going to be ok"I whispered to him as he cried more."they know virge they are taking both you and me in prison" he whispered back crying harder.I kissed him on the forehead as an officer came up to us."you two will be staying here for a 2 year sentence"he tells us."ok sir what ever your name is I may have done things like all of it but you are not putting my boyfriend in here for nothing"I yell back at the officer."well we are to believe he helped you in the killings therefore he is a suspect and shall stay here with you and I'd be saying goodbye to each other because you won't be seeing each other for a long time" he tells us and leaves the room so we're alone."nononono nooooo why I don't wanna leave you"Roman starts sobbing in my arms as he drops to the floor."Roman we will be ok our i love you always remember that"I tell him as I stroke his hair."I..l..love y..you to.too"he says back chocking on tears.The officer comes back and takes us to our separate cells away from each other.
(Roman's pov)
I couldn't stop crying I didn't even get a chance to tell Virgil he's a dad and now I'm stuck in prison whilst pregnant.A woman officer walks past and asks if I'm ok"sir are you ok"she says in a sweat tone."no I don't know what to do me and my boyfriend are stuck in here for two years and the worst bit is I'm pregnant what do I do"I say holding back more tears.We talk for a little bit and I explained that I'm trans she promised to help me through this.i was thankful their was one kind person I could trust here.
About 9 and a half months later Roman has given birth but isn't being told where his baby is.
I'm currently talking to the officer that has helped me through this pregnancy and I tell her how amazing Virgil would of been as a dad when a male officer walks up and whispers in her ear she slapped her hands over he mouth and whispered something back.He walks away and I'm stuck there with a confused look on my face"what's wrong" I ask"well you know your baby" she says quietly."yes I know my child I carried them for 9 months what's wrong with them"I ask anger and saddness in my voice."well I've just been informed that you child is a boy but has been taken to an orphanage as your here in jail and can't take care of him"she tells me straight forward."no no no no I don't believe you where is my son I want to see him"I say tears flowing down my eyes.She shakes her head to say it's the truth as I sit down and slowly brake down into tears.
(Two months later)
(Virgils pov)
I miss Roman that's all I thing of ,Roman he's on my mind 24/7 . I just want to see him again hold him in my arms again.I always ask about him to the officer who is the woman that talks to him she only says stuff like he misses you too or he loves you too but I feel like their hiding something from Me.I ask a different woman who brought me my dinner and I don't believe what she told me"excuse me but do you know of a boy called Roman Alexander"I ask desperately."Roman Alexander umm oh yes I remember why" she asks in confusion."he's my boyfriend And I need to know if he's ok"I ask impatiently"oh my boy I'm so sorry he passed away 2 months ago I don't know why no one ever told you" she says and walks away.i couldn't believe it my only love the one person who was family gone I didn't even say goodbye.I took the photo I had of him out of my pocket and started to cry.
(???? Pov)
I can't believe they made me change my name so everyone thinks I'm dead poor Virgil when he find out he will be distraught .I have been living at our old house in secret.(yes as you guessed it it's roman)
(Roman's pov)
I have been living at our old house for about 2 months my new name is Roman prince I have been looking at different orphanages looking for my son I found a boy that looked like me and Virgil I think it's him I'm going today to see it's it's him and bring my baby boy back home.His name is Alex and I love it.As I get there I greet the woman at the reseption "hello I came here the other week my name is Roman prince and I was interested in the boy Alex"I say politely."oh yes Alex he came in about a year ago from the prison saying someone gave birth and couldn't take care of him but sadly the mother died"she told me sadly.There was slight hope inside of me that it was my baby cause the description matched.We walked down to where he was he was sleeping so soundly it was adorable."he has already said his first word which was mommy so he was probably remembering his mother"she said as she gave him to me and I held him in my arms."so are you interested in him"she asks ceriously."yess I'll take him" I say happily."ok come here and sign the papers"she tells me and I follow her.i sighs the papers and take him home.As we get home he opens his eyes waking up from his nap."mwommy"he says sleepily."yess hunny it's me I'll never let you go again I promise" I say as I cradle him back into a sleepy state.
(Virgils pov)
Ugh the stupid prison I can't believe they made me change my name,my new name is Virgil sanders.I walk back to mine and Roman's old house god I miss him,if only I could see him again.I was given all my stuff back so luckily I had my phone and keys for the house.I was looking at my photos of Roman and me together his face always made my day I don't know what I'll do without him.As I get to the house I got out my keys and unlocked the door I looked at the surprisingly clean house.I heard a noice from my and Roman's old room I quickly grab a knife and investigate the knife incase it's a robber.As I got to the door I see a face I thought I'd never see again.I dropped the knife and the person turned around.Roman."Roman is that you" I ask frozen in shock."Virgil omg your ok"he says and runs up to me and jumps in my arms.I feel his tears on my shoulder and hold him tightly."shh it's ok I'm hear now we're together that's all that matters"I say slowly putting him back on the floor.Suddenly I hear a crying noice coming from the other room."oh no"Roman says and runs into that room.I follow him and he walks out with a tired baby in his arms."Roman who's that"I ask questionably."he's your son our son"he says and hands me the child."did you say my son"I ask tears flowing out my eyes.He nods his head.I brush the hair out of my sons eyes."hehe he looks like you"I say smiling."but how we were in jail for 2 years"I say stroking my sons hair.Roman explains how he gave birth in prison and they changed his name so he went to find his son."come on let's go sit down in the living room and watch Disney"I say going into the living room.As I sit down Roman cuddles up to me my son laying on my chest sleeping."what's his name"I ask putting his arm around Roman."Alex I find it adorable"he says and puts nightmare before Christmas on even though it's the middle of summer." But Virgil please promise me one thing"he asks looking into my eyes."what is it baby"I ask giving him a kiss."please no more killing I know you did it for a good cause but I can't handle loosing you again and especially now we have a son"he asks stroking his sons hair and moving it out of his eyes."ok I'm good with that I will always be here I will never leave you again"I say pulling a blanket over the three of us.Just me,Roman and Alex my 2 worlds in my arms.I will never let either of them go again.

I really enjoyed making this one.If I ever make another one where Roman has a kid it will probably be Alex.

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