Another Expulsion

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I was on my way to class, quietly humming as I walked through the empty hallways. I stopped once I heard a small cut off scream and a small crash in an old classroom.

I slightly opened the door to see my now bloody friend, Megan, with a guy covering her mouth. In front of her was Ella a.k.a, the bitch of this school.

My stare hardened to where I was glaring as Megan fell. I grabbed the side of the door and slammed it open to where it nearly broke.

"What's going on here?" I asked my hair covering my eyes as I looked down, covering my murder filled glare. I did hide my Bloodlust but I think a little bit slipped out.

"None of your business, Nerd." She spat and ordered one of the boys behind her to attack me. He charged at me and it obvious that he was going to punch me, I grabbed his wrist and broke it easily.

He screamed in pain but that was cut short when I knocked him out with a kick to the face.

The next guy came at me with the rag, I dodged and grabbed it. I threw it away and punched him, knocking him out with the force.

"What? Sending goons?" I taunted, I then felt something hit my face. "Seriously? A rock? Where did you even get this?" I mumbled as I held the rock.

I wiped the blood from my mouth and walked over to a desk. They took the opportunity to attack me, I moved out of the way and one fell into a pile of chairs.

I grabbed one and beat the other guy with it, then Ella was left. She was trembling, I dropped the chair and grabbed her by her neck as I loomed over her.

She was fairly short, I was pretty tall as well. "Do you know what happens when you hurt my friends?" I asked. "You pay for it with an expense I see fit." I said as I gripped her neck tighter.

"Goodnight, you little bitch." I said and threw her at the wall. I let her go and sighed, I felt lightheaded.

My eyes widened as I saw that one of them had a knife, they had stabbed me in my side. I knocked them out and pulled the knife out.

I felt even worse, I hissed and I noticed what was on my neck, "A...Tranquilizer...?" I mumbled as I collapsed. The last thing I heard was someone yelling for help.

--Next Day--

I shot up and looked around, it was a hospital room. "(Y/n)! You're Awake!" My friend yelled and hugged me, I ignored the pain that shot through my body.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said as she let go. "You were stabbed and shot by a tranquilizer!" She yelled, so that's what it was. I nodded and pushed her off.

"Hmm, I didn't see that coming." I mumbled in thought. "How are you so calm about being stabbed!" She yelled once again, I shrugged.

"I Dunno. I just am." I said and got up. "Hold on!" She yelled trying to grab me but I was already gone, I found my clothes and went to change.

I walked out of the bathroom to be met with my 'father', he and my mother were only dating.

My biolagical father was killed for being a Phantomhive, murdered in his sleep.

"You've gotten expelled for the last time!" He yelled and I walked past him.

"Do not ignore me young lady! I am your fath-" "No." I cut him off. "Excuse me?" He asked as if he didn't know.

"You are not my father, and you never will be." I said and grabbed a scalpel from the side table.

"Never show your face to me or my mother ever again

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"Never show your face to me or my mother ever again." I said and turned around with an evil smile and put the scalpel to my head like a gun.

He was already shaking slightly. "Or I may just have to play Doctor and carve it into your brain." I smiled sadistically.

I threw the scalpel at his head. It just grazed the top of his ear. "Leave us alone. Bastard." I said and walked out.

I quickly found my butler, Sebastian, with my cousin, Ciel, and we left. "Megan told me what happened." Ciel said and I nodded, I thought she was unconscious.

"You got expelled but I contacted my friend and you will be going to his school for this year." He explained and I nodded. "Thank you Ciel." I said and he nodded.

"Anything to help my cousin." He smiled. We got home and I was met by my mother in her office, pacing. Again. "Hello Mom." I smiled as she hugged me.

"Hello Sweetie, Ciel told me everything." She said and sat me down. "You know this is like, your 5th Expulsion. Because of that, there is something I need you to do." She said I was confused.

"You know how most of the Moon has disappeared. Well, we've found out what did it." She explained and I nodded.

My mother worked with head of defense, Karasuma-San. I've met him, he's pretty cool.

"I want you to see how close you can get to killing him. He will also be your teacher for the year." She explained and I blankly stared at her.

"Okay. Let me get this straight." I said and she nodded walking to her desk.

"You want me, a Junior High student! To kill an alien who is also going to be my teacher?!" I said nearly yelling and she nodded.

"Yes, and tomorrow I'm bringing you with me to work and you are going to try and kill him." She smiled. "Go get ready for bed, it's late" Mom told me and I nodded.

"This is not how I pictured today going." I mumbled to myself as I laid down. I closed my eyes and let peaceful darkness consume me.

--The Next Day--

I was next to my mom as we walked into the large building she worked at. "So this is the thing that blew up the moon." I said, looking at the yellow octo-alien in front of me.

"Yes, Indeed I am. I presume you are supposed to try and kill me?" He asked and I nodded.

"Good luck, you'll need it." He grinned as green stripes formed on his face.

'That's something you don't see everyday.' I immediately grabbed my gun and started shooting. He dodged each one though.

"How do you expect me to kill him with these?" I asked as I looked at the ammunition and knives.

"They are specially designed for this guy." Karasuma-San answered and I nodded.

"Well then. Let's try this out." I threw two knives at his robes so they were stuck to the ground.

I then kept swinging at him until I finally got his tentacle, it sliced off with a bit of splatter that landed on my face. "Hmm, interesting." I mumbled as I examined the severed tentacle.

"I knew you could hit him! That's my girl!" My mom yelled and I sighed. "Calm down Mom." I said and she laughed.

"I'm tired. I'll get Sebastian to pick me up. I'll see you at home, bye mom." I waved and walked out.

'I don't want to kill him just yet, there's no fun in that. I also want to test some things, I'll see when he becomes my teacher.' I thought and called Ciel for Sebastian to pick me up.

"Hey Ciel, I need Sebastian to pick me up. I'm at my Mom's workplace." I said and hung up after he agreed. 'I need to get home. Hmm, I wonder if I'll see Nagisa or Karma again.'

I wiped the 'blood' off my cheek and linked my hands behind my head. Ciel told me where the school is and it's where Karma went before we lost contact. I wonder if they're still there.


Word Count: 1355

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