Mission (Filler)

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~-Continuing from the last Chapter-~

"Your Cousin wants to see you." Nagisa said and I sighed. "Tell him I'll be there in a minute." I growled and they quickly left. I tried to get up immediately fell making Karma laugh.

"What are you laughing at, I gave you a fair share of this. Who knew you had a Mommy kink?" I retaliated and he paused as his face went bright red.

I flipped our positions so I was riding him, he was just coming down from his high. "I'm not done~" I said which made him gulp. I started sliding up and down while I gradually got faster.

"W-Wait! I can't-Ah!" He yelled as I continued to bounce. "Pl-Please Mommy!~" He yelled which made me blush but I kept my speed. I made him cum several times.

"Yeah, you sure know your way of payback." He said and I limped my way over to the bathroom.

I finished getting dressed and brushed my hair, I still had a slight limp but made it to Ciel's office. "What took you so long? And why are you limping?" He asked and I sighed.

"One, I only just woke up, You can't expect me to be here in thirty seconds. And Two, I fell and hurt my leg." I explained.

I know I lied at the second one but my older cousin doesn't need to know about my sex life. "What did you need anyway?" I asked and he crossed his arms.

"We have another client, he's aiming to kill you." He said and I nodded. "May I include someone?" I asked and he nodded. "Your Boyfriend, right? The red haired boy?" He asked.

"I haven't seen him in action but I've heard good things from you and I trust you." He said, I shook my head.

"His name is Karma, but no, there is an issue in using him." I addressed and he stayed silent, implying me to go on. "Karma is more prone to trash talking and getting under his enemies skin." I began.

"This could be bad and make the client want to leave, thus ruining the operation." I finished and he nodded.

"Then who do you suggest?" He asked and I smiled. "Nagisa." I said and he was confused. "The Blue haired one? Why him?" He asked.

"Nagisa has an incredible talent of hiding his Bloodlust, therefore tricking and catching his opponent off guard." I explained.

"That would certainly work well. Alright, I agree. You can go inform him." He said, I nodded and left.

"Hey guys!" I smiled as I walked into a room where they all were talking. "Hey (Y/n)!" Kayano beamed. "I'll get to the point." I said as my smile went to a very small grin.

"My Cousin and I have a mission. And he said I could bring someone in that I saw fit." I explained and they nodded.

"So you obviously chose Karma." Kayano said and I shook my head. "No actually." I said. "Allow me to elaborate." I said and they nodded.

"While Karma has exceptional combat skills, he is more likely to trash talk our client. Causing him to want to leave." I explained and they nodded.

"Smart like always, so, who'd ya pick?" Karma smiled. "Nagisa." I said and he tensed up. "Why me?" He questioned. "Nagisa, you have a rare talent to hide your Bloodlust and point it to something."

"That's something the most Elite Assassins need to do, and most spend years perfecting it." I explained.

"That talent is incredible to use for missions like these, so, will you help me? You don't have to agree." I said and he thought for a moment.

"Okay, but what kind of mission is this exactly?" He asked. "A termination." I smiled. "Huh!? How do you say something lie that so calmly!?" Nagisa yelled.

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